sybaseoracle 发表于 2008-03-29 22:10


我在LINUX系统中新增用户名sybase在/home/sybase安装了SYBABSE 为什么执行的时候错误呢,谢谢
$ isql
-bash: isql: command not found
$ pwd
$ ./isql

The context allocation routine failed when it tried to load localization files!!One or more following problems may caused the failure

Your sybase home directory is /home/sybase. Check the environment variable SYBASE if it is not the one you want!
Using locale name "zh_CN.GB18030" defined in environment variable LANG
Locale name "zh_CN.GB18030" doesn't exist in your /home/sybase/locales/locales.dat file
An error occurred when attempting to allocate localization-related structures.

sybaseoracle 发表于 2008-03-29 22:44

回复 #1 sybaseoracle 的帖子

sybase@localhost bin]$ ./isql

The context allocation routine failed when it tried to load localization files!!One or more following problems may caused the failure

Your sybase home directory is /home/sybase. Check the environment variable SYBASE if it is not the one you want!
Using locale name "zh_CN.GB18030" defined in environment variable LANG
Locale name "zh_CN.GB18030" doesn't exist in your /home/sybase/locales/locales.dat file
An error occurred when attempting to allocate localization-related structures

这个问题 我在LINUX中将设置LANG=ENGLISH  解决了 可以执行在BIN下执行./ISQL
第一个问题sybase@localhost bin]$ isql
-bash: isql: command not found
应该是环境变量的问题吧 ,如何设置呢?

chuxu 发表于 2008-03-30 19:47


sybaseoracle 发表于 2008-03-30 22:16

谢谢楼上的 顺送小笑话一则
it美媚又拿起另一份杂志。同事们又再次哄笑,这份杂志的封面是杀毒软件:“小心病毒”。 it美眉快气昏了。



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查看完整版本: 请教下ISQL命令为什么无法执行