ustcboy 发表于 2008-05-24 16:05

BCP in 数据为什么不成功?

D:\sybdata>bcp device.dbo.monacc_copy in monacc_copy -Sthinkpad-Usa -PPassword-c -Jcp850
CTLIB Message:- L5/O3/S5/N4/5/0:
ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Lib protocol
driver call to connect two endpoints failed
Establishing connection failed.

bcp device.dbo.monacc_copy out monacc_copy -Sdb-Usa -PPassword   -c      //成功

bcp device.dbo.monacc_copy in monacc_copy -Sthinkpad-Usa -PPassword   -c -Jcp850   //不成功,去掉-Jcp850也不行,确定两边字符集一致
CTLIB Message:- L5/O3/S5/N4/5/0:
ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Lib protocol
driver call to connect two endpoints failed
Establishing connection failed.

[ 本帖最后由 ustcboy 于 2008-5-24 16:09 编辑 ]

ustcboy 发表于 2008-05-24 16:27

bcp device.dbo.monacc_copy in monacc_copy[ -Sthinkpad]-Usa -PPassword   -c -Jcp850

bcp device.dbo.monacc_copy in monacc_copy   -Usa -PPassword   -c
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查看完整版本: BCP in 数据为什么不成功?