enjoyo 发表于 2008-06-26 20:30

下载 Building.a.Server.with.FreeBSD.7


indian 发表于 2008-06-27 08:52


hy0kl 发表于 2008-06-27 15:59

瞅瞅,还是 E 文的. :mrgreen:

javasuncom 发表于 2008-06-28 21:31

thank u

ehu4ever 发表于 2008-08-09 15:12

请问有with freebsd 6版的吗? 请共享一下,谢谢!

kingfreeyr 发表于 2009-01-09 22:14

回复 #1 enjoyo 的帖子


fender0107401 发表于 2009-01-10 13:49

lz很有素质! :mrgreen:

ulovko 发表于 2012-07-11 20:56

回复 7# fender0107401

    chm格式的.. 有PDF 格式的就好了

fender0107401 发表于 2012-07-11 21:28

回复 8# ulovko

That is a fucking bad book.

The pdf version is also available, and I have printed it.

Right now the printed copy is on my desk.

In any case, I recommend you don not read it, unless you have too many time to spend!

fender0107401 发表于 2012-07-11 21:33

Just read the handbook.

If you still want to read something you can read <Absolute FreeBSD>.
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