tankmarshal 发表于 2008-07-02 22:20


$ ./start_ubis_iq.sh

Starting server ubis_iq on GXLTIBM3 at port 6600

Run Directory      : /sybase/syb_dat03/iqdata
Server Exe         : /sybase/syb_dat03/ASIQ-12_5/bin/asiqsrv12
Server Output Log: /sybase/syb_dat03/ASIQ-12_5/logfiles/ubis_iq.199.srvlog
Server Version   : 12.5.0/ESD 17
OpenClient Version : 12.5/P-EBF10569
User Parameters    : @ubis_iq.cfg ubis_iq.db
Default Parameters : -gn 55

I. 07/02 21:50:28.      Adaptive Server IQ
I. 07/02 21:50:28.       Version 12.5
I. 07/02 21:50:28.      (64bit mode)
I. 07/02 21:50:28. Copyright 1991-2005 by Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved

I. 07/02 21:50:29. 49152K of memory used for caching
I. 07/02 21:50:29. Minimum cache size: 49152K, maximum cache size: 175600K
I. 07/02 21:50:29. Using a maximum page size of 4096 bytes
I. 07/02 21:50:29. Starting database "ubis_iq" (/sybase/syb_dat03/iqdata/ubis_iq.db) at Wed Jul 02 2008 21:50
I. 07/02 21:50:29. Database recovery in progress
I. 07/02 21:50:29.   Last checkpoint at Wed Jul 02 2008 21:11
I. 07/02 21:50:29.   Checkpoint log...

IQ server starting with:
   50 connections         (       -gm )
   42 cmd resources       ( -iqgovern )
    945 threads             (   -iqmt )
    350 Kb thread stack size   (   -iqtss)
330750 Kb thread memory size ( -iqmt * -iqtss )
   16 IQ number of cpus( -iqnumbercpus )

I. 07/02 21:50:33.   Transaction log: ubis_iq.log...
I. 07/02 21:50:34.   Rollback log...
I. 07/02 21:50:34.   Checkpointing...
I. 07/02 21:50:34. Starting checkpoint of "ubis_iq" (ubis_iq.db) at Wed Jul 02 2008 21:50
SybaseIQ Abort at st_txnMgrn.cxx:350 for PID: 2248848
IQ: non-recoverable error in deallocation checkpoint phase

*********** (Possibly Duplicate Msg) **********************

*** SybaseIQ Abort at st_txnMgrn.cxx:350 for PID: 2248848 ***

IQ: non-recoverable error in deallocation checkpoint phase
Unable to start database server

Server failed to start.


camham 发表于 2008-07-04 17:20

Error: IQ: non-recoverable error in deallocation checkpoint phase
try -f parameter
if can boot, then issue sp_iqcheckdb to perform allocation examing.
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