RNW 发表于 2008-11-21 20:01


1 介绍:嵌入式机器学习,在自己的算法中调用Weka现文本分类,是一个小的数据挖掘程序,虽然实用价值不是很大,但对于Weka的理解和使用是有帮助的。本例子来自《数据挖掘:实用机器学习技术》第2版(好像是倒数第三章)。大家可以到http://blogger.org.cn/blog/message.asp?name=DMman#23691 下载该书察看对算法的详细解释。算法中作了详细的注释,虽然是英文的,但还是比较简单。下面对例子的使用作了浅显的介绍,有兴趣的朋友可以研究。

2 功能:使用weka中的j48分类器实现了文本分类的一个小程序。文本文件通过weka的过滤器StringToWordVector预处理。

3 注意:把weka.jar加入你的classpath中,才可以通过编译。

4 使用方法:
-t 文本文件路径
-m 你的模型文件路径
-c 可选,类别(hit 或 miss)

1) 建立模型
>java MessageClassifier -t data/1.bmp -m myModel -c hit
>java MessageClassifier -t data/2.bmp -m myModel -c hit
>java MessageClassifier -t data/1.gif -m myModel -c miss
2) 使用模型分类
>java MessageClassifier -t data/2.gif -m myModel
3) 可以使用提供-c参数的命令继续完善模型

原文件MessageClassifier .java
* Java program for classifying text messages into two classes.
import weka.core.Attribute;
import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;
import weka.core.FastVector;
import weka.core.Utils;
import weka.classifiers.Classifier;
import weka.classifiers.trees.J48;
import weka.filters.Filter;
import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.StringToWordVector;
import java.io.*;
public class MessageClassifier implements Serializable {
/* The training data gathered so far. */
private Instances m_Data = null;
/* The filter used to generate the word counts. */
private StringToWordVector m_Filter = new StringToWordVector();
/* The actual classifier. */
private Classifier m_Classifier = new J48();
/* Whether the model is up to date. */
private boolean m_UpToDate;
* Constructs empty training dataset.
public MessageClassifier() throws Exception {
String nameOfDataset = "MessageClassificationProblem";
// Create vector of attributes.
FastVector attributes = new FastVector(2);
// Add attribute for holding messages.
attributes.addElement(new Attribute("Message", (FastVector)null));
// Add class attribute.
FastVector classValues = new FastVector(2);
attributes.addElement(new Attribute("Class", classValues));
// Create dataset with initial capacity of 100, and set index of class.
m_Data = new Instances(nameOfDataset, attributes, 100);
m_Data.setClassIndex(m_Data.numAttributes() - 1);
* Updates data using the given training message.
public void updateData(String message, String classValue) throws Exception {
// Make message into instance.
Instance instance = makeInstance(message, m_Data);
// Set class value for instance.
// Add instance to training data.
m_UpToDate = false;
* Classifies a given message.
public void classifyMessage(String message) throws Exception {
// Check whether classifier has been built.
if (m_Data.numInstances() == 0) {
////throw new Exception("No classifier available.");
// Check whether classifier and filter are up to date.
if (!m_UpToDate) {
// Initialize filter and tell it about the input format.
// Generate word counts from the training data.
Instances filteredData = Filter.useFilter(m_Data, m_Filter);
// Rebuild classifier.
m_UpToDate = true;
// Make separate little test set so that message
// does not get added to string attribute in m_Data.
Instances testset = m_Data.stringFreeStructure();
// Make message into test instance.
Instance instance = makeInstance(message, testset);
// Filter instance.
Instance filteredInstance = m_Filter.output();
// Get index of predicted class value.
double predicted = m_Classifier.classifyInstance(filteredInstance);
// Output class value.
System.err.println("Message classified as : " +
* Method that converts a text message into an instance.
private Instance makeInstance(String text, Instances data) {
// Create instance of length two.
Instance instance = new Instance(2);
// Set value for message attribute
Attribute messageAtt = data.attribute("Message");
instance.setValue(messageAtt, messageAtt.addStringValue(text));
// Give instance access to attribute information from the dataset.
return instance;
* Main method.
public static void main(String[] options) {
try {
// Read message file into string.
String messageName = Utils.getOption('m', options);
if (messageName.length() == 0) {
throw new Exception("Must provide name of message file.");
FileReader m = new FileReader(messageName);
StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(); int l;
while ((l = m.read()) != -1) {
// Check if class value is given.
String classValue = Utils.getOption('c', options);
// If model file exists, read it, otherwise create new one.
String modelName = Utils.getOption('o', options);
if (modelName.length() == 0) {
throw new Exception("Must provide name of model file.");
MessageClassifier messageCl;
try {
ObjectInputStream modelInObjectFile =
new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(modelName));
messageCl = (MessageClassifier) modelInObjectFile.readObject();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
messageCl = new MessageClassifier();
// Check if there are any options left
// Process message.
if (classValue.length() != 0) {
messageCl.updateData(message.toString(), classValue);
} else {
// Save message classifier object.
ObjectOutputStream modelOutObjectFile =
new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(modelName));
} catch (Exception e) {
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查看完整版本: [转帖]在自己的算法中调用Weka实现文本分类的一个例子