lionvor 发表于 2008-11-24 10:52


1、三个部分(Three Components)
To make it work, you need to get the right version for three components:
Linux模块(Linux Module)
用户空间应用程序(User Space Application )
客户Virtio驱动(Guest Virtio Driver)
2、Linux模块(Linux Module)
KVM come with a linux module to support full virtualization. The linux module is just three files: kvm.ko, kvm_intel.ko, kvm_amd.ko. You can install them just like you install drivers for your video card. The good news is, you might do not need to install it. The 2.6.20 version has already included those linux modules. Depends on your distribution configuration, it might not be installed, or as a module or built-in. Here is a table listing the relation:
2.6.20 kvm-12
2.6.21 kvm-17
2.6.22 kvm-22
If you are not sure your linux distribution contain it or not, use this command:
modprobe -l | grep kvm
The linux module can be built from source code. This is also the recommanded way to get the right version of linux module. Compiling from the source code, and than make install should make the linux module inserted into your /lib/modules/linux-uname -r. Simply make it in use by:
/lib/modules/linux-uname -r 。使用下面的命令使它生效:
modprobe kvm
modprobe kvm_intel
modprobe kvm
modprobe kvm_amd
3、User space application
Compile from source code, you can get it. Otherwise, refer to the previous section.
4、Guest virtio driver
There was no special requirement for guest operating system if you are not using para-visualized disk or network adapter. If you are using them, make sure you get virtio_pci.ko, virtio_rng.ko, virtio_blk.ko, virtio_net.ko. They are in 2.6.25 or later kernel.There is also a option to backport them.
如果你不是使用半虚拟磁盘或网络适配器的话,客户操作系统没有特殊的要求。如果你有使用它们,那么要确定你有安装virtio_pci.ko, virtio_rng.ko, virtio_blk.ko, virtio_net.ko。它们包含在2.6.25或更高的内核。
Refer to Virtio for more information


ATEN020 发表于 2009-08-05 13:07

tonyliao85 发表于 2009-09-02 17:34

我怎么用source code安装的时候出现了问题啊。

是这样的,./configure和make,make install都没有问题,而且我也导入了模块,modprobe kvm,modprobe kvm-intel,也都没有错误,但是唯一的就是没有kvm命令,但是我如果用apt-get install kvm的话,就能出现kvm命令,我打开kvm命令看了下,发现是python写的一个文件。不知道是怎么回事,所以想问下你出现过同样的问题了没有?

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