youwei 发表于 2010-06-03 22:05

sybase 系统进程


00:00000:00000:2010/06/03 11:26:44.82 kernelnrpacket: recv, Connection timed out
00:00000:00363:2010/06/03 14:16:37.94 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:SPBPJY 3796 spid: 363
02:00000:00537:2010/06/03 14:17:31.56 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:ZHSH 3744 spid: 537
00:00000:00491:2010/06/03 14:50:07.60 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:TONGXUN 5896 spid: 491
00:00000:01000:2010/06/03 15:27:06.54 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:SPB 3492 spid: 1000
04:00000:00027:2010/06/03 15:50:28.00 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:   spid: 27
00:00000:00820:2010/06/03 15:52:48.49 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:   spid: 820
00:00000:00231:2010/06/03 15:54:47.60 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:CAIZQ 3560 spid: 231
04:00000:00328:2010/06/03 16:07:07.76 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:3952 spid: 328
01:00000:00427:2010/06/03 16:27:50.90 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:   spid: 427
01:00000:00270:2010/06/03 16:35:22.87 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:   spid: 270
02:00000:00352:2010/06/03 16:36:40.60 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:   spid: 352
06:00000:00179:2010/06/03 16:38:22.77 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:DYXINJ 3192 spid: 179
02:00000:00947:2010/06/03 16:39:10.44 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:   spid: 947
01:00000:00411:2010/06/03 16:39:46.43 kernelCannot read, host process disconnected:CWSHM 3304 spid: 411
数据库:sybase12.5 for linux

wfcjz 发表于 2010-06-04 07:52


youwei 发表于 2010-06-04 08:23

   rece sleep      N/A       MAINTENANCE TOKE
除了服务器的IP可以PING 通,其它什么也不行。。。

不知道 是什么原因,是数据库本身出问题了吗?

andkylee 发表于 2010-06-04 09:11

本帖最后由 andkylee 于 2010-06-04 09:14 编辑

回复 3# youwei

>>>>    除了服务器的IP可以PING 通,其它什么也不行。。。

下面是国内一个牛人的回复。 你可以参考一下。

Jason L. Froebe wrote:
>; FlyBean wrote:
>;>; Hi all,
>;>;After a TimeSlice error, there are some processes in "runnable"
>;>; status with cmd is "MAINTENANCE TOKE".
>;>;I am tried of the TimeSlice error. Please refer to my privious posts.
>;>; Best Regards
>;>; FlyBean
>; Can you post the errorlog, the select @@version, and the 'cpu grace
>; time' and 'time slice' sp_configure options?
>; the sp_configure 'time slice' option should always be set to 100.If
>; anyone tells you differently, they are wrong to do so.
>; the sp_configure "cpu grace time" option should be set to about 1500.
>; This will allow for delays in hostname resolutions, etc.The default
>; setting of 500 is far too low.
>; jason

version is : ASE 12.5.2 GA + EBF12060
time slice is default.
cpu grace time is 1000.

Please refer to news:// to
get more detail.

And I have found that while some connect closed not correctly may cause
this trouble. There is a bug in old OLEDB driver which the driver should
close the socket after TDS_LOGOUT without an ack token from ASE. I sure
that 1608 errors were caused by this bug.

And I will adjust the cpu grace time to 1500.

Best Regards

youwei 发表于 2010-06-04 10:06

呵呵,小弟说的可以PING 通IP地址,是想说,操作系统是正常的,问题应该是在数据库上面;
sp_configure 'time slice' 这个参数的值当前是100,应该不用修改
sp_configure 'cpu grace time'这个参数的值是500,应该是要修改为1500
我想了解一下,cpu grace time 这个参数的配置数,是根据什么来定的呢?修改了需要重启吗?

wfcjz 发表于 2010-06-04 10:55


andkylee 发表于 2010-06-04 14:15

回复 5# youwei

搜索cpu grace time 有介绍的。
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