libo1987630 发表于 2010-11-10 10:50

三大编程语言性能PK:Java, C/C++和Ruby

你可能会觉得下面的图表比较有意思,因为它是分别用三种编程语言(Ruby, Java, C/C++)写的埃拉托色尼质数过滤算法(译注:Sieve of Eratosthenes)的性能分析图,如图:(本文的最后附有相应代码)





zuerrong 发表于 2010-11-10 12:37

All interpreted languages are slow, because you need CPU cycles to
interpret instead doing the job. The only important question is: is it
fast enough for your use case? That's an question which nobody can
answer for you.

You can mix most interpreted languages with native libs so you can split
the thing. And if it's still too slow you should use only something like
C or C++.

And there are some tradeoffs you can make: Native speed with long and
unflexible code (C/C++) vs. optimizing your whole system (caching,
avoiding execution of code) and flexible short code.

dooros 发表于 2010-11-18 20:58

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