george_headhunt 发表于 2010-12-03 11:06



上海某知名外资电子商务公司招聘Tool engineer(要会用perl/java或者python/java来开发)

Hi,各位兄弟姐妹们好,George是某美资国际猎头公司的IT行业的猎头顾问,现在在帮一家上海某知名外资电子商务公司招聘Tool engineer(要会用perl/java或者python/java来开发)
具体职位见下面,有意者请加我msn:yin_yingjie@hotmail.com或者 发简历到 george.yin@talentspartners.com偶来直接联系你。
也可以打电话或者短信至18626158522 咨询。


·Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science or equivalent
·Strong programming skill, familiar with common algorithms, design patterns
·Have working experiences in developing fault-tolerant tools with concurrency
·Have strong interest in linux/unix, understand the system internals, have programming experience under these environments
·Excellence in with Python/Java or Ruby is a big plus
·Experience in design web gui with JQuery or Extjs is a plus
·experience implementing and maintaining systems monitoring in large scale environments, with server-class hardware & peripherals is a plus
·Common applications and technologies in Internet computing (web servers, proxies, load balancers, databases, client/server, etc) is a plus
·Must be able to effectively collaborate in a fast paced environment with multiple teams
·Excellent English and communication skills

2gua 发表于 2010-12-03 12:39

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查看完整版本: 有懂python/java或者ruby的人吗?