happy_fish100 发表于 2009-02-25 09:04


FastDHT是一个基于键值对(Key Value Pair)的高效的分布式Hash系统,她可以用来存储大量的Key Value Pair,比如可以用来存储文件名映射表、session数据、用户相关数据等等。

FastDHT服务器端底层存储采用Berkeley DB,支持大数据量;网络IO采用libevent,支持大并发连接。FastDHT只用到了BDB最基本的存储功能,数据同步是自己实现的,采用了binlog的复制方式。

由客户端决定应该选择哪台服务器,为例避免查表,应该根据key的hash code来选择服务器,算法描述如下:
1. 计算出key的hash值(hash_code)
2. group_index = hash_code % group_count
3. new_hash_code = hash_code高16位和低16位互换
4. server_index = new_hash_code % 组内server_count
计算server_index和group_index时使用了不同的hash code,是因为如果group_count和组内server_count相等,例如都等于2,那么对于一个组来说,任何key值都将选中其中一台固定的服务器(server_index == group_index)。

FastDHT中,key由三部分组成:namespace、object ID和key name。这个设计和数据库的层级划分相似:namespace对应database,object Id对应table,而key对应字段。引入namespace的目的是解决多个使用者(如:应用或产品)之间可能存在的数据冲突问题;引入object Id是便于对object相关的数据(如用户资料)进行组织和管理,以提高整体性能。引入namespace和object ID使得系统具有更大的灵活性,在实际使用中,这两个字段可以设置为空值。在计算key的hash code时,如果namespace和object ID不为空,将这二者合并起来作为hash函数的输入;否则将key作为hash函数的输入。



google code地址:http://code.google.com/p/fastdht/

todayhero 发表于 2009-02-25 10:00


tc1987tc 发表于 2009-02-25 10:57


happy_fish100 发表于 2009-02-26 11:32

FastDHT V1.06 stable版发布!

PHP extension支持Class方式,支持多个配置文件(多个独立的FastDHT集群)。

Version 1.062009-02-26
* in config file conf/fdhtd.conf: add item "min_buff_size"
* add batch get, can get multi keys once
* add batch set, can set multi keys once
* add batch delete, can delete multi keys once
* php extension add class version, see sub dir php_client/
* performance enhancement: in function get, delay expires (timeout)
    use partial set
* php extension support multi config file
* bug fix: fdht_client_init can be called more than once
* move global config parameters to fastdht_client.ini

Version 1.052009-02-04
* only start one dead_lock_detect thread to save resource
* in file php_client/README: add function description
* in file client/fdht_client.h: add function description / remark

Version 1.042009-01-29
* sync.c: when call socket fail, continue deal (do not exit)
* client: share a same sock when the ip and port of servers are same
* client: thread-safe and add muti-thread test program fdht_test_thread.c
* sync.c: fdht_sync_del return 0 when key not exists (errno: ENOENT)

Version 1.032009-01-25
* BDB env->open add DB_INIT_LOCK flag and add BDB dead_lock_detect thread
* shared_func.c add urlencode and urldecode functions
* clear expired keys every interval seconds
* php_client directory: add test_fastdht.php

Version 1.022009-01-18
* protocol header add field: keep_alive to support persistent connection
* fdhtd.conf add item: write_to_binlog to enable or disable replication
* return ENOENT (key not exist) when the key expires
* client auto reconnect when connection is reset and keep_alive is true
* add php client extension
* add README file in sub directories: client and php_client

Version 1.012008-12-15
* fdhtd.conf add parameter: sync_db_time_base, change the default value of
    sync_db_interval to 86400 (one day)
* remove fdht_global.h dependency of client codes

Version 1.002008-12-08
* fix memory leak in sync.c
* function enhancement: db recovery when the daemon starts
* pass (void *)1 to memp_trickle before exit

Version 0.902008-12-02
* use memp_trickle to sync data to BDB file periodically
* fix bug: mod(%) result maybe < 0
* sockopt.h / .c add function tcpsetnodelay
* bug fixed: realloc size and reasign
* add client set test program: fdht_test_set.c
* add Makefile.in and make.sh
* pipe read more bytes once

Version 0.802008-11-24
* add namespace and object ID
* add expires (timeout)
* add binlog write buff to increase performance

Version 0.502008-10-22
* support data sync

Version 0.202008-09-27
* framework is done:
    # implement db functions such as get, set, inc and del
    # implement asynchronous IO use libevent

Version 0.102008-09-08
* first version, only implement queue management

happy_fish100 发表于 2009-03-13 12:55

FastDHT V1.07 stable版发布

change log:
Version 1.072009-03-13
* fastdht_client.ini: add parameter fastdht_client.log_filename
* a header can be recv more than one time (recv header particially)
* for compatible with other language such as Java, change hash function
   return type from unsigned int to int

重要说明,为了使得各种语言(如Java、C)采用相同hash算法得到的hash code相同,对C语言中的hash code算法进行了调整(unsigned int改为signed int)。


happy_fish100 发表于 2009-03-14 14:39

FastDHT java client API 发布!

FastDHT提供Java client API了,欢迎大家下载和使用。
google code下载地址: http://code.google.com/p/fastdht/downloads/list

[ 本帖最后由 happy_fish100 于 2009-3-14 14:40 编辑 ]

5iwww 发表于 2009-03-30 16:56

为何没有通用的API? 譬如可以直接支持NFS挂载? 或者可以作为模块结合kernel补丁的方式来支持这个文件系统? 我记得lustre就可以.

happy_fish100 发表于 2009-04-12 15:32

FastDHT V1.08 stable版发布

主要新增功能:提供了日志文件压缩工具 fdht_compress,以减少日志文件占用空间。

Version 1.082009-04-12
* common/shared_func.c: rindex change to strrchr, add #include <netinet/in.h>
* use scheduling thread to sync binlog buff / cache to disk, add parameter
   "sync_binlog_buff_interval" to conf file fdhtd.conf
* add restart daemon shell script: restart.sh
* add compress binlog tool
* hash_walk change return type from void to int
* compress binlog tool can be run by scheduler, fdhtd.conf add parameters:
   compress_binlog_time_base and compress_binlog_interval

方丈大师 发表于 2009-06-02 23:00


flat_peach 发表于 2009-06-19 10:04

请问LZ这个与 FastDFS 是什么关系 ?
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查看完整版本: FastDHT-高效分布式Hash系统