happy_fish100 发表于 2011-06-19 23:00

FastDFS V3.00 beta版本发布!!!

历经4个月的时间,终于推出了V3.00 beta版本。
另外,多个tracker server采用Leader机制,支持Leader选举。

Version 3.002011-06-19
* mass small files optimization
* add fixed block memory pool: common/fast_mblock.c
* bug fixed: tracker_mem.c do NOT clear g_groups fields
* bug fixed: slave file and appender file download ok
* bug fixed: tracker / storage run by group / user, set file owner
* tracker server support leader
* client support static library
* client_func.h add functions fdfs_tracker_group_equals and
* bug fixed: test/dfs_func_pc.c compile ok
* storage server check free space enough when upload a file

sopato 发表于 2011-07-30 15:05


happy_fish100 发表于 2011-07-31 18:34

FastDFS V2.11和V3.01发布!!!


Version 2.112011-07-31
* bug fixed: test/dfs_func_pc.c compile ok
* bug fixed: tracker_get_connection_ex and tracker_get_connection_r_ex
   connect two times with multi tracker servers
* all logError add source filename and line
* php extendsion support callback for upload and download file

Version 3.012011-07-31
* bug fixed: tracker_get_connection_ex and tracker_get_connection_r_ex
   connect two times with multi tracker servers
* bug fixed: tracker_mem_check_add_tracker_servers condition not correct
* all logError add source filename and line
* php extension support upload file callback
* php extension support download file callback


opiopuiopoi 发表于 2011-09-15 14:53

happy_fish100 老师可以给自己做下广告,想知道有多少公司或者网站应用了您这套系统?

happy_fish100 发表于 2011-09-18 21:39

FastDFS V3.02 stable版本发布!!!

这个版本主要是几个bug fix。详情参见ChangeLog:

Version 3.022011-09-18
* bug fixed: tracker_mem_check_add_tracker_servers add tracker server
* php client compile ok with php 5.2.17
* re-select trunk server ok

happy_fish100 发表于 2011-10-16 17:25

FastDFS V2.12和V3.03发布!!!


Version 3.032011-10-16
* ignore existed link when sync link file
* http token checking support persistent token
* add functions: storage_file_exist and storage_file_exist1
* php minfo add fastdfs version info
* make.sh changed
* client move libevent dependency

happy_fish100 发表于 2011-11-20 21:15

FastDFS V3.04和V2.13发布!!!

本帖最后由 happy_fish100 于 2011-11-20 21:17 编辑

V3.04和V2.13主要是bug fix。在V3.04中发现的bug,如果V2.13中也存在,则同步修改。


Version 3.042011-11-20
* bug fixed: duplicate files only save one entry ok with trunk file mode
* fdfs_file_info query file info from storage server
* bug fixed: delete the metadata of trunked file correctly
* storage/trunk_mgr/trunk_shared.: trunk_file_stat_func do not
   use function pointer

* bug fixed: sync correctly with more binlog files
* bug fixed: php extension compile error using gcc 4.6.1 as:
   variable 'store_path_index' set but not used
* bug fixed: append file ok when check duplicate is on
* bug fixed: delete slave file correctly

ijvcms 发表于 2011-11-20 21:15


happy_fish100 发表于 2011-12-23 14:14

FastDFS V3.05 stable版本发布!!!

主要是一个bug fix。使用了trunk模式(小文件合并存储特性)的同学,请尽快升级到v3.05。
以下是change log:
Version 3.052011-12-20
* remove compile warnings
* storage server's store_path_count can be more than that of group
* bug fixed: common/fast_mblock.c malloc bytes are not enough
* make.sh support OS: HP-UX

happy_fish100 发表于 2012-01-23 20:23

FastDFS V3.06 stable版本发布!!!

1. 使用AVL tree对trunk空闲空间进行管理,比原有管理方式更加先进、合理
2. 支持提前创建trunk file。比如可以设置每天凌晨2点创建指定容量的trunk file。
详细的Change Log如下:
Version 3.062012-01-22
* add common/avl_tree.h and common/avl_tree.c
* organize trunk free blocks using AVL tree
* find the trunk server for each group when current tracker be a leader
* common/sched_thread.c can add schedule entry dynamicly
* support creating trunk file advancely
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查看完整版本: FastDFS V5.08发布!!!