pestd 发表于 2011-07-14 21:59


因大量的同步请求导致fdfs_storaged进程挂起, 使用killall等待太久,后来重启过服务器,这样操作是不是导致binlog丢失?

INFO - FastDFS v2.09, base_path=/home/fastdfs, store_path_count=2, subdir_count_per_path=256, group_name=group1, connect_timeout=120s, network_timeout=150s, port=54322, bind_addr=*.*.*, client_bind=1, max_connections=512, work_threads=8, disk_rw_separated=1, disk_reader_threads=1, disk_writer_threads=1, disk_rw_direct=0, buff_size=256KB, heart_beat_interval=30s, stat_report_interval=60s, tracker_server_count=1, sync_wait_msec=200ms, sync_interval=0ms, sync_start_time=00:00, sync_end_time=23:59, write_mark_file_freq=500, allow_ip_count=-1, file_distribute_path_mode=0, file_distribute_rotate_count=100, fsync_after_written_bytes=0, sync_log_buff_interval=10s, sync_binlog_buff_interval=60s, sync_stat_file_interval=300s, thread_stack_size=512 KB, upload_priority=10, if_alias_prefix=, check_file_duplicate=0, FDHT group count=0, FDHT server count=0, FDHT key_namespace=, FDHT keep_alive=0, HTTP server port=8888, domain name=
INFO - file: storage_param_getter.c, line: 48, storage_ip_changed_auto_adjust=1
DEBUG - file: storage_ip_changed_dealer.c, line: 233, last my ip is *.*.*, current my ip is *.*.*
DEBUG - file: tracker_client_thread.c, line: 189, report thread to tracker server started
INFO - file: tracker_client_thread.c, line: 274, successfully connect to tracker server, as a tracker client, my ip is *.*.*
DEBUG - file: storage_sync.c, line: 2274, sync thread to storage server :54322 started
DEBUG - file: storage_sync.c, line: 2274, sync thread to storage server 123.*.*.*:54322 started
DEBUG - file: storage_sync.c, line: 2274, sync thread to storage server 123.*.*.*:54322 started
DEBUG - file: storage_sync.c, line: 2274, sync thread to storage server 58.*.*.*:54322 started
INFO - file: storage_sync.c, line: 2366, successfully connect to storage server 58.*.*.*:54322
INFO - file: storage_sync.c, line: 2366, successfully connect to storage server 123.*.*.*:54322
ERROR - file: storage_sync.c, line: 1655, in mark file "/home/fastdfs/data/sync/123.*.*.*_54322.mark", item count: 0 < 7
CRIT - file: storage_sync.c, line: 2428, storage_reader_init fail, errno=2, program exit!
DEBUG - file: storage_sync.c, line: 2233, sync thread to storage server 123.*.*.*:54322 exit
DEBUG - file: storage_sync.c, line: 2233, sync thread to storage server 58.*.*.*:54322 exit
DEBUG - file: storage_sync.c, line: 2233, sync thread to storage server :54322 exit
DEBUG - file: tracker_client_thread.c, line: 158, report thread to tracker server exit
DEBUG - file: ../common/sched_thread.c, line: 223, schedule thread exit
DEBUG - file: storage_dio.c, line: 676, dio thread exited, thread count: 3
DEBUG - file: storage_dio.c, line: 676, dio thread exited, thread count: 2
DEBUG - file: storage_dio.c, line: 676, dio thread exited, thread count: 1
DEBUG - file: storage_dio.c, line: 676, dio thread exited, thread count: 0
DEBUG - file: storage_service.c, line: 1394, nio thread exited, thread count: 7
DEBUG - file: storage_service.c, line: 1394, nio thread exited, thread count: 5
DEBUG - file: storage_service.c, line: 1394, nio thread exited, thread count: 6
DEBUG - file: storage_service.c, line: 1394, nio thread exited, thread count: 4
DEBUG - file: storage_service.c, line: 1394, nio thread exited, thread count: 3
DEBUG - file: storage_service.c, line: 1394, nio thread exited, thread count: 2
DEBUG - file: storage_service.c, line: 1394, nio thread exited, thread count: 1
DEBUG - file: storage_service.c, line: 1394, nio thread exited, thread count: 0
INFO - exit nomally.

friendly63 发表于 2015-08-31 10:41

我也出现这个问题了。file: storage_sync.c, line: 1945, in mark file23000.mark", item count: 0 < 7
页: [1]
查看完整版本: fdfs_storaged挂起后,重启服务器导致fdfs_storaged启动不了