waya2021 发表于 2011-12-21 08:43


<p>fail2ban是一个通过读取相关网络软件的日志IP信息分析后联动操作IPTABLES主动进行防御的小软件,对于网络入侵防御极为有用。以下为安装使用方法:</p><p> </p><p>centos 5 下:fail2ban</p><p> </p><p>yum –y install fail2ban</p><p>安装成功</p><p>cd /etc/fail2ban</p><p>nano jail.conf</p><p>配置修改如下:</p><p>本站主要防御SSH ,VSFTPD  ,apache-badbots</p><p> </p><p># cat jail.conf   <br /># Fail2Ban configuration file    <br />#    <br /># Author: Cyril Jaquier    <br />#    <br /># $Revision: 747 $    <br />#</p><p># The DEFAULT allows a global definition of the options. They can be override   <br /># in each jail afterwards.</p><p></p><p># &quot;ignoreip&quot; can be an IP address, a CIDR mask or a DNS host. Fail2ban will not   <br /># ban a host which matches an address in this list. Several addresses can be    <br /># defined using space separator.    <br />ignoreip =</p><p># &quot;bantime&quot; is the number of seconds that a host is banned.   <br />bantime  = 600</p><p># A host is banned if it has generated &quot;maxretry&quot; during the last &quot;findtime&quot;   <br /># seconds.    <br />findtime  = 600</p><p># &quot;maxretry&quot; is the number of failures before a host get banned.   <br />maxretry = 3</p><p># &quot;backend&quot; specifies the backend used to get files modification. Available   <br /># options are &quot;gamin&quot;, &quot;polling&quot; and &quot;auto&quot;. This option can be overridden in    <br /># each jail too (use &quot;gamin&quot; for a jail and &quot;polling&quot; for another).    <br />#    <br /># gamin:   requires Gamin (a file alteration monitor) to be installed. If Gamin    <br />#          is not installed, Fail2ban will use polling.    <br /># polling: uses a polling algorithm which does not require external libraries.    <br /># auto:    will choose Gamin if available and polling otherwise.    <br />backend = auto</p><p>   <br /># This jail corresponds to the standard configuration in Fail2ban 0.6.    <br /># The mail-whois action send a notification e-mail with a whois request    <br /># in the body.</p><p></p><p>enabled  = true   <br />filter   = sshd    <br />action   = iptables    <br />           sendmail-whois    <br />logpath  = /var/log/secure    <br />maxretry = 5</p><p></p><p>enabled  = false   <br />filter   = proftpd    <br />action   = iptables    <br />           sendmail-whois    <br />logpath  = /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log    <br />maxretry = 6</p><p># This jail forces the backend to &quot;polling&quot;.</p><p></p><p>enabled  = false   <br />filter   = sasl    <br />backend  = polling    <br />action   = iptables    <br />           sendmail-whois    <br />logpath  = /var/log/mail.log</p><p># Here we use TCP-Wrappers instead of Netfilter/Iptables. &quot;ignoreregex&quot; is   <br /># used to avoid banning the user &quot;myuser&quot;.</p><p></p><p>enabled     = false   <br />filter      = sshd    <br />action      = hostsdeny    <br />              sendmail-whois    <br />ignoreregex = for myuser from    <br />logpath     = /var/log/sshd.log</p><p># This jail demonstrates the use of wildcards in &quot;logpath&quot;.   <br /># Moreover, it is possible to give other files on a new line.</p><p></p><p>enabled  = false   <br />filter   = apache-auth    <br />action   = hostsdeny    <br />logpath  = /var/log/apache*/*error.log    <br />           /home/www/myhomepage/error.log    <br />maxretry = 6</p><p># The hosts.deny path can be defined with the &quot;file&quot; argument if it is   <br /># not in /etc.</p><p></p><p>enabled  = false   <br />filter   = postfix    <br />action   = hostsdeny    <br />           sendmail    <br />logpath  = /var/log/postfix.log    <br />bantime  = 300</p><p># Do not ban anybody. Just report information about the remote host.   <br /># A notification is sent at most every 600 seconds (bantime).</p><p></p><p>enabled  = false   <br />filter   = vsftpd    <br />action   = sendmail-whois    <br />logpath  = /var/log/vsftpd.log    <br />maxretry = 5    <br />bantime  = 1800</p><p># Same as above but with banning the IP address.</p><p></p><p>enabled  = true   <br />filter   = vsftpd    <br />action   = iptables    <br />           sendmail-whois    <br />logpath  = /var/log/vsftpd.log    <br />maxretry = 5    <br />bantime  = 1800</p><p># Ban hosts which agent identifies spammer robots crawling the web   <br /># for email addresses. The mail outputs are buffered.</p><p></p><p>enabled  = true   <br />filter   = apache-badbots    <br />action   = iptables-multiport    <br />           sendmail-buffered    <br />logpath  = /var/log/nginx/access.log    <br />bantime  = 172800    <br />maxretry = 1</p><p># Use shorewall instead of iptables.</p><p></p><p>enabled  = false   <br />filter   = apache-noscript    <br />action   = shorewall    <br />           sendmail    <br />logpath  = /var/log/apache2/error_log</p><p># Ban attackers that try to use PHP's URL-fopen() functionality   <br /># through GET/POST variables. - Experimental, with more than a year    <br /># of usage in production environments.</p><p></p><p>enabled = false   <br />port    = http,https    <br />filter  = php-url-fopen    <br />logpath = /var/log/nginx/access.log    <br />maxretry = 1</p><p># A simple PHP-fastcgi jail which works with lighttpd.   <br /># If you run a lighttpd server, then you probably will    <br /># find these kinds of messages in your error_log:    <br /># ALERT – tried to register forbidden variable ‘GLOBALS’    <br /># through GET variables (attacker '', file '/var/www/default/htdocs/index.php')    <br /># This jail would block the IP</p><p></p><p>enabled = false   <br />port    = http,https    <br />filter  = lighttpd-fastcgi    <br /># adapt the following two items as needed    <br />logpath = /var/log/lighttpd/error.log    <br />maxretry = 2</p><p># This jail uses ipfw, the standard firewall on FreeBSD. The &quot;ignoreip&quot;   <br /># option is overridden in this jail. Moreover, the action &quot;mail-whois&quot; defines    <br /># the variable &quot;name&quot; which contains a comma using &quot;&quot;. The characters '' are    <br /># valid too.</p><p></p><p>enabled  = false   <br />filter   = sshd    <br />action   = ipfw    <br />           sendmail-whois    <br />logpath  = /var/log/auth.log    <br />ignoreip =</p><p># These jails block attacks against named (bind9). By default, logging is off   <br /># with bind9 installation. You will need something like this:    <br />#    <br /># logging {    <br />#     channel security_file {    <br />#         file &quot;/var/log/named/security.log&quot; versions 3 size 30m;    <br />#         severity dynamic;    <br />#         print-time yes;    <br />#     };    <br />#     category security {    <br />#         security_file;    <br />#     };    <br /># };    <br />#    <br /># in your named.conf to provide proper logging.    <br /># This jail blocks UDP traffic for DNS requests.</p><p></p><p>enabled  = false   <br />filter   = named-refused    <br />action   = iptables-multiport    <br />           sendmail-whois    <br />logpath  = /var/log/named/security.log    <br />ignoreip =</p><p># This jail blocks TCP traffic for DNS requests.</p><p></p><p>enabled  = false   <br />filter   = named-refused    <br />action   = iptables-multiport    <br />           sendmail-whois    <br />logpath  = /var/log/named/security.log    <br />ignoreip =    </p>
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