gunny_cu 发表于 2011-12-21 08:43


<DIV>VIP_GROUP = "{,}" <BR>STD_GROUP = "{,,}" <BR>LMTGUY_GROUP = "{,,}" </DIV>
<DIV><BR>altq on $INT_IF cbq bandwidth 10Mb queue {std,vip,lmtguy} <BR>queue std bandwidth 1.2Mb priority 2 cbq (default) <BR>queue vip bandwidth 2Mb priority 3 cbq (borrow) <BR>queue lmtguy bandwidth 500Kb priority 1 cbq <BR>...... <BR>#via internal port communication <BR>block all </DIV>
<DIV>pass out on $INT_IF from any to $VIP_GROUP flags S/SA keep state queue vip <BR>pass out on $INT_IF from any to $LMTGUY_GROUP flags S/SA keep state queue lmtguy <BR>pass out on $EXT_IF all keep state</DIV>
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