sdwjian 发表于 2011-12-21 08:44

Intermittent errors running reports: CCL-BIT-0005

<P>Intermittent errors when running reports, especially when the server is under a high load and huge number of reports are running. </P>
<DIV class=ibm-domino-rtf>
<P>CCL-BIT-0005 A socket reported a communication error. CAM_Send=0xfffffff4 &lt;errorDetail&gt;&lt;errorCode&gt;-12&lt;/errorCode&gt;&lt;errorMessage&gt;CAM -CRP-0026 An error was returned from the underlying socket implementation.&lt;/errorMessage&gt;&lt;errorStack&gt;&lt;errorCode&gt;32&lt;/er rorCode&gt;&lt;errorMessage&gt;Could not send to the socket, errno: 0x20(32)&lt;/errorMessage&gt;&lt;/errorStack&gt;&lt;/errorDetail&gt;<BR>RSV-BBP-0029 Failed to cancel the request: {0}.<BR>CCL-BIT-0005 A socket reported a communication error.</P></DIV>
<DIV class=ibm-domino-rtf>
<P>A server cannot handle the number of requests.</P></DIV>
<H2>Resolving the problem</H2>
<DIV class=ibm-domino-rtf sizset="10" sizcache="1">
<P>Reduce the number of report processes.</P>Steps:
<LI>In Cognos Connection, choose Tools-&gt;Server Administration.
<LI>Under Actions, click 'Set properties' for the dispatcher.
<LI>Choose Settings tab.
<LI>Change Category to 'Tuning'.
<LI>Reduce the number of maximum processes for the report service, either batch or interactive. </LI></OL>
<OL sizset="10" sizcache="1">If the problem persists then some registry settings can be modified:
<P sizset="10" sizcache="1"><BR>- Set windows registry key <BR>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters to<BR>MaxUserPort=65534 (decimal values)<BR><A href=""><FONT color=#0000ff></FONT></A><BR><BR>- Set windows registry key <BR>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters to<BR>TcpTimedWaitDelay=30 (decimal values) <BR><A href=""><FONT color=#0000ff></FONT></A>&lt;/ol&gt;<BR></P></OL></DIV></DIV>
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