linuxdee 发表于 2011-12-22 08:54

Dynamic Display Block in 10 steps

<p><strong>(, 更为详细)<br></strong></p><p><strong>Path to configuration page.</strong></p>
<ol><li>Navigate to Administration &gt; Structure &gt; Dynamic display block.</li></ol>
<p><strong>Add, configure and enable a dynamic display block.</strong> </p>
<ol><li>Type a unique block title in the block title field of the Add dynamic display block fieldset at the bottom of the screen.</li><li>Click the Add block button.</li><li>Click the Configure block link in the "Dynamic display block" fieldset of the dynamic display block you just made.</li><li>Choose image folder as input type.</li><li>Set the image folder to images/ddblock and click the "Save Block" button at the bottom of the page.</li><li>Create a folder images/ddblock on the server, relative the Drupal
file path. The Drupal file path is set at Administration &gt;
Configuration &gt; Media &gt; File system</li><li>Add some images in this folder.(/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/d70/sites/default/files/ddblock -&gt;ddblock<br></li><li>Navigate to Administration &gt; Structure &gt; Blocks.</li><li>Find your block in the Disabled section near the bottom of the page.
Select a region (e.g. Right sidebar) in the drop down box next to your
block. This will move the block you just createdto this region.</li><li>Click the Save Blocks button.</li><p>After these 10 steps you should see your added dynamic display block.<br>
You can always adjust the settings at Administer &gt;Structure &gt; Dynamic display block.</p><p>When you want to give anonymous users and other registered users
rights to view the ddblock slideshows configure the permissions to view
ddblock slideshows at: administration &gt; people &gt; permissions TAB.</p><p>If you are not successful see: <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank">Images from an image folder are not displayed.</a> in the <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank">FAQ</a></p></ol>
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