chiyiangel 发表于 2011-12-23 01:19


impdp中remap_schema用法格式<div><br></div><div><div id="codeText" class="codeText"><ol start="1" class="dp-css"><li>REMAP_SCHEMA</li><li>
Default: none</li><li>
Loads all objects from the source schema into a target schema.</li><li>
Syntax and Description</li><li>
</li><li><b><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#800000">
Multiple REMAP_SCHEMA lines can be specified, but the source schema must be different for each one. However, different source schemas can map to the same target schema. The mapping may not be 100 percent complete, because there are certain schema references that Import is not capable of finding. For example, Import will not find schema references embedded within the body of definitions of types, views, procedures, and packages.</li><li>
If the schema you are remapping to does not already exist, the import operation creates it, provided the dump file set contains the necessary CREATE USER metadata for the source schema and you are importing with enough privileges.</li></ol></div></div>
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