ulovko 发表于 2012-06-02 22:15

LiveBSD 4 FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD/DragonFlyBSD/PC-BSD/GhostBSD/MaheshaBSD/FreeSBI

This is a set of scripts that generates a bootable image (and/or ISO file), that creates a working minimal installation of FreeBSD.
It is completely loaded into memory.
FROM: http://www.livebsd.com/

This page serves as a list of live CDs based on any of the BSDs
If you are aware of any BSD live CD not listed here, or have any other comments please email me.

ISO-IMAGES for the 9-series release (ZFS v28, tmpfs root):

9.0-RELEASE-i386 (24MB) checksums
9.0-RELEASE-amd64 (26MB) checksums
9.0-RELEASE i386 special edition (94MB) checksums
9.0-RELEASE amd64 special edition (100MB) checksums

ISO-IMAGES for the 8-series release (ZFS v28, tmpfs root):

8.3-RELEASE-i386 (22MB) checksums
8.3-RELEASE-amd64 (23MB) checksums
8.3-RELEASE-i386 special edition (66MB) checksums
8.3-RELEASE-amd64 special edition (70MB) checksums

USB memstick images:
Download from here

Root password for all images: mfsroot
All images have mfsbsd.autodhcp set - all network cards are configured for DHCP.

ulovko 发表于 2012-06-03 13:22

本帖最后由 ulovko 于 2012-06-03 13:28 编辑

还有一个liveusb在这里: http://liveusb-openbsd.sourceforge.net/
页: [1]
查看完整版本: LiveBSD 4 FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD/DragonFlyBSD/PC-BSD/GhostBSD/MaheshaBSD/FreeSBI