大家都骂我帅 发表于 2012-09-26 13:51

nbu7.5 for informix 11.5 数据库 备份 失败!!!!

nbu7.5 for informix 11 数据库 备份 失败!!!

nbu 7.5master 和 client 都为 rhel6 x64   , client 装 informix 11.5 数据库 , 在master 上配置 策略 测试 备份,

基本上按照 这个 步骤来 的


但是,我这边master 的 activity monitor 上报错:
状态码为 6

这里是informix 的 bar_act.log日志信息 :

2012-09-26 13:34:06 24362434 /home/informix/bin/onbar_d -b -w -L 0
2012-09-26 13:34:06 24362434 (-43231) An unexpected error occurred:/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/infxbsa.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 .
2012-09-26 13:34:06 24362434 (-43259) Could not open XBSA library /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/infxbsa.so, so trying default path.
2012-09-26 13:34:06 24362434 Working with veritas-netbackup as generic storage manager.
2012-09-26 13:34:07 24362434 Archive started on rootdbs (Requested Level 0).
2012-09-26 13:34:07 24362434 (-43078) Open or close failed on file '/home/informix/etc/ixbar.0', errno = 2 .
No such file or directory
2012-09-26 13:34:07 24362434 Begin level 0 backup rootdbs.
2012-09-26 13:34:07 24362434 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
2012-09-26 13:34:11 24362434 XBSA Error: (BSACreateObject) A system error occurred. Aborting XBSA session.
2012-09-26 13:34:17 24362434 Archive started on rootdbs (Requested Level 0).
2012-09-26 13:34:17 24362434 (-43078) Open or close failed on file '/home/informix/etc/ixbar.0', errno = 2 .
No such file or directory
2012-09-26 13:34:17 24362434 Begin level 0 backup rootdbs.
2012-09-26 13:34:17 24362434 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
2012-09-26 13:34:20 24362434 XBSA Error: (BSACreateObject) A system error occurred. Aborting XBSA session.
2012-09-26 13:34:26 24362434 Archive started on rootdbs (Requested Level 0).
2012-09-26 13:34:26 24362434 (-43078) Open or close failed on file '/home/informix/etc/ixbar.0', errno = 2 .
No such file or directory
2012-09-26 13:34:26 24362434 Begin level 0 backup rootdbs.
2012-09-26 13:34:26 24362434 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
2012-09-26 13:34:29 24362434 XBSA Error: (BSACreateObject) A system error occurred. Aborting XBSA session.
2012-09-26 13:34:35 24362434 Archive started on rootdbs (Requested Level 0).
2012-09-26 13:34:35 24362434 (-43078) Open or close failed on file '/home/informix/etc/ixbar.0', errno = 2 .
No such file or directory
2012-09-26 13:34:35 24362434 Begin level 0 backup rootdbs.
2012-09-26 13:34:35 24362434 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
2012-09-26 13:34:38 24362434 XBSA Error: (BSACreateObject) A system error occurred. Aborting XBSA session.
2012-09-26 13:34:44 24362434 Archive started on rootdbs (Requested Level 0).
2012-09-26 13:34:44 24362434 (-43078) Open or close failed on file '/home/informix/etc/ixbar.0', errno = 2 .
No such file or directory
2012-09-26 13:34:44 24362434 Begin level 0 backup rootdbs.
2012-09-26 13:34:44 24362434 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
2012-09-26 13:34:47 24362434 XBSA Error: (BSACreateObject) A system error occurred. Aborting XBSA session.
2012-09-26 13:35:18 24362434 /home/informix/bin/onbar_d complete, returning 3 (0x03)

在informix 中 onconfig.std已经配好

BAR_BSALIB_PATH /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/infxbsa.so

其他的 就不知道了!!!!,求 各位大哥 帮助!!!!

无牙 发表于 2012-09-26 15:59



大家都骂我帅 发表于 2012-09-27 09:57

哥! 这个我试过了 ,还是不行,现在 经过改进客户端只报了 这个错

master 还是报

哥 ,再帮忙看看 !!! 谢谢啦!!!

回复 2# 无牙


大家都骂我帅 发表于 2012-09-29 09:11

望无牙 大哥 再来指点指点 !!:'(

无牙 发表于 2012-09-29 10:46



大家都骂我帅 发表于 2012-09-29 12:07

这个是 client 的 infxbsa 的日志

11:31:21.884 <4> VxBSAInit: Veritas NetBackup XBSA Interface - 7.52012020801
11:31:21.884 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_API
11:31:21.885 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning -
11:31:21.885 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_FEATURE_ID
11:31:21.885 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning - <FEATURE_ID>
11:31:21.885 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - BSA_SERVICE_HOST
11:31:21.885 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning - cn.ibm.com
11:31:21.886 <4> bsa_checkFeatureId: INF - entering bsa_checkFeatureId
11:31:21.886 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - BSA_SERVICE_HOST
11:31:21.886 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning - cn.ibm.com
11:31:21.926 <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
11:31:21.927 <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 7
11:31:21.936 <4> bsa_checkFeatureId: INF - Successfully validated FeatureId
11:31:21.937 <4> InitializeClientInfo: NOT doing setsockopt() to set network buffer size
11:31:21.937 <4> BSAInit:--- Informix Binary : <@(#) $Source: src/dbext/informix/informix_bsa.c,v $ $Revision: 1.26 $ > ---
11:31:21.937 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_VERBOSE_LEVEL
11:31:21.937 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning - 5
11:31:21.937 <4> BSAInit:Verbose Level set to <5>
11:31:21.937 <4> BSAInit:Handle set to <1>
11:31:21.937 <4> BSAInit: Uid = <2000> : <informix> EUid = <2000> : <informix> Gid = <2000> : <informix>
      System name:    Linux
      Node name:      informix_6_64
      Release:      2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64
      Version:      #1 SMP Wed Nov 9 08:03:13 EST 2011
      Machine:      x86_64

11:31:21.938 <4> BSABeginTxn: Beginning the BSA TxnHandle=<1>
11:31:21.938 <4> VxBSABeginTxn: INF - entering VxBSABeginTxn.
11:31:21.938 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_DB_TYPE
11:31:21.938 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning - Informix-On-BAR
11:31:21.938 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_NTUPLE_RESTORE
11:31:21.938 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning -
11:31:21.939 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_COPY_NUMBER
11:31:21.939 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning -
11:31:21.939 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_RESTORE_PRIORITY
11:31:21.939 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning -
11:31:21.939 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_DISK_MEDIA_SERVER
11:31:21.939 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning -
11:31:21.939 <4> BSABeginTxn: VxBSABeginTxnReturned status <0> : <The requested function succeeded.>
11:31:21.939 <4> BSACreateObject: Creating Object - Handle <1>
11:31:21.939 <4> VxBSACreateObject: INF - entering CreateObject
11:31:21.939 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_OBJINFO_LEN
11:31:21.939 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning -
11:31:21.939 <4> bsa_printObjectDescriptor: INF - objectOwner.bsa_ObjectOwner: INFORMIX
11:31:21.939 <4> bsa_printObjectDescriptor: INF - objectOwner.app_ObjectOwner: informix
11:31:21.943 <4> bsa_printObjectDescriptor: INF - objectName.objectSpaceName: /informix_6_64
11:31:21.943 <4> bsa_printObjectDescriptor: INF - objectName.pathName: /informix_6_64/rootdbs/0
11:31:21.943 <4> bsa_printObjectDescriptor: INF - createTime: 0
11:31:21.943 <4> bsa_printObjectDescriptor: INF - copyType: 3
11:31:21.944 <4> bsa_printObjectDescriptor: INF - copyid: 0.0
11:31:21.944 <4> bsa_printObjectDescriptor: INF - restoreOrder: 0.0
11:31:21.944 <4> bsa_printObjectDescriptor: INF - estimatedSize: 0.17821696
11:31:21.944 <4> bsa_printObjectDescriptor: INF - resourceType: R
11:31:21.944 <4> bsa_printObjectDescriptor: INF - objectType: 4
11:31:21.944 <4> bsa_printObjectDescriptor: INF - objectStatus: 1
11:31:21.944 <4> bsa_printObjectDescriptor: INF - objectDescription:
11:31:21.944 <4> VxBSACreateObject: objectOwner: informix1
11:31:21.944 <4> VxBSACreateObject: objectGroup: informix1
11:31:21.944 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_IMAGE_PERMISSION
11:31:21.944 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning -
11:31:21.944 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_POLICY
11:31:21.944 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning - informix
11:31:21.944 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_SCHEDULE
11:31:21.944 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning -
11:31:21.945 <4> dbc_GetScheduleNameFromConfig: user's schedule= <>
11:31:21.945 <4> dbc_GetServerClientConfig: entering dbc_GetServerClientConfig.
11:31:21.946 <4> dbc_GetServerClientConfig: ServerName: <cn.ibm.com>, ClientName: <informix_6_64>
11:31:21.947 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - BSA_SERVICE_HOST
11:31:21.947 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning - cn.ibm.com
11:31:21.947 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_CLIENT_HOST
11:31:21.947 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning - informix_6_64
11:31:21.947 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_KEYWORD
11:31:21.948 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning -
11:31:21.948 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_PROGRESS_LOG_FILE
11:31:21.948 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning -
11:31:21.948 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_PARENT_JOBID
11:31:21.949 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning -
11:31:21.949 <4> bsa_CreateNewImage: INF - entering bsa_CreateNewImage.
11:31:21.949 <4> CreateNewImage: INF - entering CreateNewImage.
11:31:21.949 <4> initOpen: entering initOpen.
11:31:21.949 <4> openProgressFile: entering openProgressFile.
11:31:21.949 <4> openProgressFile: commFull = </usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/2332.0.1348889481>
11:31:21.950 <4> openProgressFile: cleaning directory: </usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs>
11:31:21.950 <4> delete_old_files: entering delete_old_files.
11:31:21.951 <4> openProgressFile: cleaning directory: </usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/oracle>
11:31:21.951 <4> delete_old_files: entering delete_old_files.
11:31:21.951 <8> delete_old_files: WRN - Directory /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/oracle does not exist
11:31:21.951 <4> openProgressFile: cleaning directory: </usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbtemplates/oracle>
11:31:21.951 <4> delete_old_files: entering delete_old_files.
11:31:21.951 <8> delete_old_files: WRN - Directory /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbtemplates/oracle does not exist
11:31:21.951 <4> openProgressFile: cleaning directory: </usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbtemplates/db2>
11:31:21.952 <4> delete_old_files: entering delete_old_files.
11:31:21.952 <8> delete_old_files: WRN - Directory /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbtemplates/db2 does not exist
11:31:21.952 <4> openProgressFile: cleaning directory: </usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/jobs>
11:31:21.952 <4> delete_old_files: entering delete_old_files.
11:31:21.952 <8> delete_old_files: WRN - Directory /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/jobs does not exist
11:31:21.952 <4> openProgressFile: progressFD = <7>
11:31:21.952 <4> openProgressFile: progressFD_en = <-1>
11:31:21.952 <4> CreateNewImage: INF - backing up File:</informix_6_64/rootdbs/0>
11:31:21.953 <4> sendRequest: entering sendRequest.
11:31:21.953 <4> sendRequest: Progress log not for monitoring=</usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/2332.0.1348889481>
11:31:21.953 <4> getOwnerName: entering getOwnerName.
11:31:21.954 <4> sendRequest: sending BACKUP request to bprd
11:31:21.954 <4> sendRequest:    request = informix informix informix_6_64 informix_6_64 informix_6_64 /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/2332.0.1348889481 informix NONE 00 6 0 C C C C C 0 0 0 0 5
11:31:21.975 <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
11:31:21.976 <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 8
11:31:21.977 <4> serverResponse: entering serverResponse.
11:31:21.977 <4> serverResponse: initial client_read_timeout = <900>
11:31:21.977 <4> readCommMessages: Entering readCommMessages
11:31:22.978 <4> serverResponse: read comm file:<11:31:22 Initiating backup>
11:31:22.978 <4> readCommMessages: Entering readCommMessages
11:31:25.980 <4> serverResponse: read comm file:<11:31:25 INF - Server status = 240>
11:31:25.980 <16> serverResponse: ERR - server exited with status 240: no schedules of the correct type exist in this policy
11:31:25.980 <16> CreateNewImage: ERR - serverResponse() failed
11:31:25.980 <4> closeApi: entering closeApi.
11:31:25.980 <4> closeApi: INF - EXIT STATUS 6: the backup failed to back up the requested files

11:31:25.980 <16> VxBSACreateObject: ERR - Could not create new image with file /informix_6_64/rootdbs/0.
11:31:25.980 <16> BSACreateObject: VxBSACreateObjectReturned status <3> : <System detected error, operation aborted.>
11:31:25.980 <4> BSAEndTxn: Ending Txn Handle=<1> Vote=<2>
11:31:25.980 <4> VxBSAEndTxn: INF - entering VxBSAEndTxn.
11:31:25.980 <4> VxBSAEndTxn: INF - Transaction being ABORTED.
11:31:25.980 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_LOG_DIRECTORY
11:31:25.980 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning - infxbsa
11:31:25.980 <4> VxBSAEndTxn: INF - Cleaning directory: </usr/openv/netbackup/logs/infxbsa>
11:31:25.980 <4> delete_old_files: entering delete_old_files.
11:31:25.980 <8> close_image: Session being terminated abnormally, cleaning up
11:31:25.980 <4> closeApi: entering closeApi.
11:31:25.980 <4> closeApi: INF - EXIT STATUS 6: the backup failed to back up the requested files

11:31:25.980 <4> close_image: INF - backup FAILED
11:31:25.980 <4> close_image: INF ---- end of Backup ---

11:31:25.981 <4> BSAEndTxn: VxBSAEndTxnReturned status <0> : <The requested function succeeded.>
11:31:25.981 <4> BSATerminate: Terminating BSA Session - Handle <1>
11:31:25.981 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_DEBUGFD
11:31:25.981 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning - 6
11:31:25.981 <4> VxBSATerminate: INF - entering VxBSATerminate.
11:31:25.981 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv - NBBSA_DEBUGFD
11:31:25.981 <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning - 6

这是bphbd 的日志

Started Sat Sep 29 11:31:20 CST 2012
exported ONCONFIG
INFXBSA_SERVER = cn.ibm.com
/home/informix/bin/onbar -b -w -L 0
bpbackup -p informix_etc /home/informix/etc
Finished Sat Sep 29 11:31:47 CST 2012
exit 3

这是 bar_act.log 的日志

2012-09-29 11:31:20 23322330 /home/informix/bin/onbar_d -b -w -L 0
2012-09-29 11:31:20 23322330 Working with veritas-netbackup as generic storage manager.
2012-09-29 11:31:21 23322330 Archive started on rootdbs (Requested Level 0).
2012-09-29 11:31:21 23322330 Begin level 0 backup rootdbs.
2012-09-29 11:31:21 23322330 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
2012-09-29 11:31:25 23322330 XBSA Error: (BSACreateObject) A system error occurred. Aborting XBSA session.
2012-09-29 11:31:36 23322330 /home/informix/bin/onbar_d complete, returning 3 (0x03)

bp.conf 已经加了,

回复 5# 无牙


无牙 发表于 2012-09-29 12:21

没创建informix的备份策略吧? server exited with status 240: no schedules of the correct type exist in this policy

大家都骂我帅 发表于 2012-09-29 13:20

本帖最后由 大家都骂我帅 于 2012-09-29 13:22 编辑

是这个吧 :

这个 不是很解 :

11:31:25.980 <16> VxBSACreateObject: ERR - Could not create new image with file /informix_6_64/rootdbs/0.

无牙 发表于 2012-09-29 14:58

11:31:25.980 <16> serverResponse: ERR - server exited with status 240: no schedules of the correct type exist in this policy
11:31:25.980 <16> VxBSACreateObject: ERR - Could not create new image with file /informix_6_64/rootdbs/0.

还是策略设的问题,client list怎么写的?

无牙 发表于 2012-09-29 15:03

你数据库备份策略中schedule的类型应该是Application Backup,不是Automatic Full Backup
页: [1] 2
查看完整版本: nbu7.5 for informix 11.5 数据库 备份 失败!!!!