ccid9527 发表于 2012-11-13 16:56

Netbackup for Lotus ERR 请兄弟们帮忙分析下

Netbackup 7.1for AIX master server

Lotus 7.0 for AIX   media server

Activity Monitor 提示如下:

11/13/2012 14:09:54 - requesting resource xtbg_oa1-hcart-robot-tld-1
11/13/2012 14:09:54 - requesting resource nbuserver.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.xtbg_oa1
11/13/2012 14:09:54 - requesting resource nbuserver.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.XTBG_OA1_LOTUS_BAK
11/13/2012 14:09:55 - Waiting for scan drive stop IBM.ULTRIUM-TD4.009, Media server: xtbg_oa1
11/13/2012 14:09:56 - granted resourcenbuserver.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.xtbg_oa1
11/13/2012 14:09:56 - granted resourcenbuserver.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.XTBG_OA1_LOTUS_BAK
11/13/2012 14:09:56 - granted resource000166
11/13/2012 14:09:56 - granted resourceIBM.ULTRIUM-TD4.009
11/13/2012 14:09:56 - granted resourcextbg_oa1-hcart-robot-tld-1
11/13/2012 14:09:58 - started process bpbrm (pid=315886)
11/13/2012 14:09:59 - connecting
11/13/2012 14:10:00 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
11/13/2012 14:10:07 - mounting 000166
11/13/2012 14:10:53 - mounted 000166; mount time: 0:00:46
11/13/2012 14:11:16 - positioning 000166 to file 25
11/13/2012 14:12:25 - positioned 000166; position time: 0:01:09
11/13/2012 14:12:25 - begin writing
11/13/2012 14:32:38 - Error bpbrm (pid=315886) from client xtbg_oa1: ERR - Read error at byte 327680 reading 44544 bytes in file /data2/sgccoaxtgs/workplanMss1.nsf. Errno = 119: System call timed out.
11/13/2012 14:24:17 - end writing; write time: 0:11:52
the requested operation was partially successful(1)

日志里面 bpbkar提示如下:
14:32:38.699 <2> v_NSFDbGetLogInfo(): INF - Exiting, status:0x0.
14:32:38.699 <4> NBLN_DbBackupOpen(): INF - <Exit> Database opened Size:(0:524288) Flags:(0x0)
14:32:38.761 <8> lotus_read: WRN - Short read at byte 306688. Read 20992 bytes when attempting to read 65536 bytes, in file /data2/sgccoaxtgs/workplanMss1.nsf.
14:32:38.772 <16> lotus_read: ERR - Read error at byte 327680 reading 44544 bytes in file /data2/sgccoaxtgs/workplanMss1.nsf. Errno = 119: System call timed out.
14:32:38.772 <4> NBLN_DbBackupClose(): INF - <Enter> FullDbPath:/data2/sgccoaxtgs/workplanMss1.nsf
14:32:38.772 <2> v_NSFBackupStop(): INF - Entering

在notes.ini   文件中已经设置过"BACKUP_TIMEOUT=120"


comfort9060 发表于 2012-11-13 21:36

这个文件是什么文件 ?/data2/sgccoaxtgs/workplanMss1.nsf
不行 exclude掉看看

ccid9527 发表于 2012-11-14 08:19

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