weiweiokok 发表于 2013-05-03 09:45

Looking for an IT manager for an automotive parts company. Location: 平湖 (aroun

Position : IT Manager Reports to : CEO Location : Pinghu (Jiaxing) Client Information: Our client is the global leader in the manufacture of automotive harnesses, the company employs more than 20,000 employees in 24 locations worldwide, and provides the largest European car manufacturers (VW, BMW, AUDI, Mercedes). For their recently set up plant in Pinghu, they are looking for an IT Manager with valuable managerial experience corporate IT. Job responsibilities:
• Coordination of the activities of the IT department;
• Planning and organising the IT system and the telecommunication system in the plant;
• Ensuring the optimal functioning of the IT and telecommunications equipments;
• Ensuring the acquisition and installation of the IT and telecommunication equipments.
• Ensuring to the employees the necessary support for the optimal use and maintenance of the IT and telecommunication equipments and systems.
Tasks to be fulfilled a) daily:
• Leads and coordinates the personnel from the IT department, by planning their activities and solving the problems that appear;
• Draws up reports and situations about the IT problems for the management meetings;
• Keeps in touch with the suppliers of IT and telecommunication equipments;
b) weekly:
• Supervises the fufillment of the tasks and activities planned in the department for the respective week;
c) monthly:
• Organises work meetings with the personnel under his subordination
• Checks and approves the plan with the main objectives and activities for the next month;
d) at the end of each term:
• Checks and approves the investment plans for IT harware, software and telecommunication equipments;
• Evaluates the activity and the performance of the personnel under his subordination;
e) yearly:
• Draws up the investment plan for IT and telecommunications for the next year;
• Reports the violations of the rules regarding the use of the IT and telecommunication systems in the plant;
• Whenever it is necessary, analyses the offers on the market in order to find new products at lower prices, that are more competitive and easier to ensure the maintenance;
• Improves and develops continuously the work procedures specific for the IT department;
• Trains the employees of the company to use the IT and telecommunication systems;
• Takes part in the selection process of the new employees for his department and ensures the training of the new IT employees;
• Establishes the responsibilities and tasks of the personnel under his subordination, according to the personnel layout and job descriptions;
• Takes care of the administrative aspects for the personnel in his subordination (leaves, medical leaves, overtime, meal tickets, pay slips etc.), collaborating directly with the Human Resources department;
• Identifies the training needs of the personnel under his subordination and in collaboration with the Training department ensures their professional education;
• Keeps confidentiality of the information he has access to;
• Informs his direct superior whenever there occur problems that exceed his personal solving
Tasks regarding work protection and emergency situations:
• Knows and observes the law stipulations in the domain of work security and health, as well as the applicable measures, having the following attributions and responsibilities:
• Instructs the employees at their work place and does also the periodical instruction for the directly subordinated personnel;
• Supervises and is responsible for the subordinates who do not observe the stipulations in the domain of of work security and health, as well as in the domain of fire prevention;
• Checks, controls the observance of the internal instructions, work instructions and whether the periodical instruction was done by his employees who have such attributions;
• Knows and observes the law stipulations in the domain of emergency situations, as well as the applicable measures, having the following attributions and responsibilities:
• Organizes, coordinates and controls, according to the law stipulations in act the activities for protection against fire from his department;
• Organizes the instruction of all the personnel in his subordination regarding the PSI norms;
• Organizes the systematic control regarding the observance of the PSI norms and the presence of the means for putting out the fire in his department;
Job competences a) Professional education • IT superior studies. b) Professional experience • IT Experience - minimum 3 years; • Experience in leading personnel. c) Knowledge
• Network maintenance - advanced level
• Unix/Linux - advanced;
• Knowing the operating systems;
• Knowledge of English language - advanced level;
• Basic knowledge of electrical harnesses manufacture after training period;
• Knowledge of the work procedures and instructions specific for his department, after training period;
• Knowledge of the Internal Regulations and of the prescriptions of the Collective Work Contract.
d) Abilities
• Excellent abilities of negotiation, diplomacy;
• Very good communication skills, orally and in writing;
• Very good leading, planning and organising skills, pragmatic spirit;
• Capacity to draw up reports and synthesize information;
• Discernment and capacity to solve problems;
• Capacity to take quick decisions;
• Capacity to convince, to impose one's point of view, determination;
• Self confidence, positive attitude, capacity to mobilize himself and also the others;
• Capacity to motivate people;
• Emotional equilibrium, constancy in his attitudes;
• Professional integrity, impartial, professional attitude;
• Resistance to prolongued intelectual effort and to stress;
• Keen observer, attention to details;
• Innovative spirit;
• Flexibility in thinking, capacity to adapt to new situations.
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查看完整版本: Looking for an IT manager for an automotive parts company. Location: 平湖 (aroun