BSDtoy 发表于 2013-06-25 07:33


Ongoing efforts:

    glib 2.36, pango 1.34.0, gtk 3.8.0 and gobject-introspection 1.36.0 where updated in the GNOME development repository.
    Gustau Perez i Querol stepped up and started work on updating the old GNOME 3.4 ports to 3.6. At the moment of writing these are not available in the GNOME development repository just yet. For his efforts, he was awarded a FreeBSD GNOME team membership.
    Jeremy Messenger (mezz) has completed Mate 1.6 which will be arriving in ports near you when deemed stable enough.

Q1的Status Report


zeissoctopus 发表于 2013-06-25 08:29

FreeBSD GNOME團隊老大 mezz 去年表明沒心機植移 GNOME 3。
現在有新血 Gustau Perez i Querol 願意接手。總算 FreeBSD GNOME3 可重新移植。
現在 FreeBSD GNOME 團隊只有 6人。

wait_rabbit 发表于 2013-06-25 09:02

回复 2# zeissoctopus

老大居然都闪人了。 6 个人也确实比较悲催。:em06:

看来大伙儿都挺期待 mate 啊。

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