blackoil 发表于 2013-07-11 01:05


        mode_t                st_mode;
        ino_t                st_ino;
        dev_t                st_dev;
        dev_t                st_rdev;
        nlink_t                st_nlink;
        uid_t                st_uid;
        gid_t                st_gid;
        off_t                st_size;
        time_t                st_atime;
        time_t                st_mtime;
        time_t                st_ctime;
        long                st_blksize;
        long                st_blocks;

linux_c_py_php 发表于 2013-07-11 12:41

       * mode_t shall be an integer type.

      * nlink_t, uid_t, gid_t, and id_t shall be integer types.

      * blkcnt_t and off_t shall be signed integer types.

      * fsblkcnt_t, fsfilcnt_t, and ino_t shall be defined as unsigned integer types.

      * size_t shall be an unsigned integer type.

      * blksize_t, pid_t, and ssize_t shall be signed integer types.

      * time_t and clock_t shall be integer or real-floating types.

       Thetype ssize_t shall be capable of storing values at least in the range [-1, {SSIZE_MAX}].The type useconds_t shall be an unsigned inte-
       ger type capable of storing values at least in the range . The type suseconds_t shall be a signed integer type capable of storing
       values at least in the range [-1, 1000000].

       Theimplementation shall support one or more programming environments in which the widths of blksize_t, pid_t, size_t, ssize_t, suseconds_t,
       and useconds_t are no greater than the width of type long. The names of these programming environments can be obtainedusingtheconfstr()
       function or the getconf types.h

cxytz01 发表于 2013-07-12 14:27


littleboyrufeng 发表于 2013-07-13 18:09

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查看完整版本: stat_t结构体里面各种系统类型实际都是32位整型吗