njzh24 发表于 2013-07-12 14:48

(分享)ASE 12.5恢复遇到 3240错误


Backup Server session id is:17.Use this value when executing the 'sp_volchanged' system stored procedure after fulfilling any volume change request from the Backup Server.
Msg 3240, Level 18, State 2:
Server 's1', Line 1:
Unable to obtain the SQL Server's current working directory.The SQL Server must have search permission on its current working directory and the name must be shorter than 255 bytes.
Msg 3240, Level 18, State 1:
Server 's1', Line 1:
Unable to obtain the SQL Server's current working directory.The SQL Server must have search permission on its current working directory and the name must be shorter than 255 bytes.
Msg 103, Level 15, State 13:
Server 's1', Line 1:
The parameter that starts with '' is too long. Maximum length is 255.

06:00000:00553:2013/07/09 03:17:29.58 kernelCould not get the server current working directory. Possible NFS problem. Future dump/load operations may fail.
06:00000:00553:2013/07/09 03:17:29.58 kernelgetwd: can't open ..
06:00000:00553:2013/07/09 03:17:29.59 kernelCould not get the server current working directory. Possible NFS problem. Future dump/load operations may fail.
06:00000:00553:2013/07/09 03:17:29.59 kernelgetwd: can't open ..

查阅官方说明,Msg 3240 用户权限有问题.
最后umount 文件系统后,发现挂载点 /sybase 目录的属主是root,改成sybase:sybase后重新mount,并再次赋为sybase:sybase问题解决.
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