sybman 发表于 2013-08-19 14:24

ASE大讲堂:12.0/12.5用户,你运行sp_rebuild_text/dbcc rebuild_text了么

本帖最后由 sybman 于 2013-08-19 14:30 编辑

只有从更老版本升级上来的用户,并且数据库中包含了TEXT/IMAGE类型的数据列,才需要关注这个问题, 否则可以无视.


最近凑巧发现了这个有点年头的note, 感觉对依然使用老版本ASE的用户来讲还蛮有用的, 特此分享一下,

文章出处 :

Avoiding TEXT and IMAGE Problems With ASE 12.0 and 12.5

If you have upgraded databases containing text and image data and have installed ESD 1 or 12.5 ESD 1, follow these recommendations to avoid further index corruption problems.      

If you have upgraded databases containing text and image and have applied either ESD 1 or 12.5 ESD 1, follow these recommendations to avoid index corruption problems.

This TechNote contains the following sections:

•Before Rebuilding

•Rebuilding text and image Columns

Several problems have been found with how ASE handles text and image data in databases upgraded to ASE version 12.0 or 12.5. For background, please review these two Technical Documents before continuing:
•Problems Affecting TEXT data Following Upgrade to ASE 12.0

•Loss of text/image Index Information in Upgraded Databases Could Lead to Access Errors in ASE 12.0 and 12.5

If you have experienced these issues and have applied one of the following EBFs:
• ESD 1

•12.5 ESD 1

follow the procedures outlined below to avoid any further problems.

Before Rebuilding
After installing the EBF containing the fix to the text and image problem, you need to rebuild your columns to update the nodes/cached page value. These values (called stnodes) are used by the server like indexes to allow random access to text/image data.

Because all of the text/image columns on a server must be rebuilt at one time, you need to schedule this activity carefully. The amount of time needed to rebuild could be considerable and depends on system performance, the total number of text/image pages and the number of tables to be rebuilt.

If you are unable to perform the rebuild as soon as you install the EBF, Sybase recommends that you enable the new 7109 trace flag and use it until you have rebuilt the text/image columns.

See the Technote Loss of text/image Index Information in Upgraded Databases Could Lead to Access Errors in ASE 12.0 and 12.5 for more information on Trace Flag 7109.

Rebuilding text and image Columns
A new stored procedure sp_rebuild_text has been provided to enable the rebuild of an entire database with one command. The procedure sp_rebuild_text is a wrapper around dbcc rebuild_text that makes it easier to rebuild the text nodes/cached page values (stnodes) for a whole database. Since dbcc rebuild_text is a minimally logged operation you need to dump each database before continuing with normal transaction log dumps.

Follow these steps when you are ready to rebuild the text/image index structures:
1.Re-boot the server without the 7109 trace flag.

2.Set select into/bulkcopy on for every database.

3.Run sp_rebuild_text in each database.

4.Reset the database options to their original settings.

5.Run dbcc textalloc("full", "fix")

6.Dump each database.

7.Return the server to normal operations.

njzh24 发表于 2013-08-19 14:33

关于ASEHA 的方案,求大大指点一二~
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查看完整版本: ASE大讲堂:12.0/12.5用户,你运行sp_rebuild_text/dbcc rebuild_text了么