Machm 发表于 2014-01-24 20:30

这个问题,好象是因为,你的ports的选项,自定义很多,没有用默认的。ports tree已经在FreeBSD 10.0开始,起用optionsNg选项了,你的/etc/make.conf,没有设置这些ports应用的选项参数设置。所以升级完后,pkg2ng转换成二进制应用包时,没有了那些自定义参数设置,全成了默认的设置了。出这样的情况,你可以pkg delete <ports name> 卸载掉,直接进ports所在目录make install clean 再安装过,但因为已经起用optionsNG了,不会再出现参数选择,如果是没冲掉/usr/ports,选项,还是和原来一样。make 完后,就正常。如果是冲掉了,就只好在/etc/make.conf设置这些参数。参数设置方法参考:论坛里这篇的说明来设置:。

ykklle 发表于 2014-01-24 21:26

我的做法是 man portmaster
搜索关键词 complete reinstallation
根据关键词一步步做,原来有问题的 port 现在运行正常

door10000 发表于 2014-01-25 01:13

mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
升级完了ports mysql 报这个。

Machm 发表于 2014-01-25 01:32

回复 13# door10000

door10000 发表于 2014-01-25 02:01


芭比小柒 发表于 2014-01-25 15:34

23.2.3. Major and Minor Version Upgrades

Upgrades from one minor version of FreeBSD to another, like from FreeBSD 9.0 to FreeBSD 9.1, are called minor version upgrades. Generally, installed applications will continue to work without problems after minor version upgrades.

Major version upgrades occur when FreeBSD is upgraded from one major version to another, like from FreeBSD 8.X to FreeBSD 9.X. Major version upgrades remove old object files and libraries which will break most third party applications. It is recommended that all installed ports either be removed and re-installed or upgraded after a major version upgrade using a utility such as ports-mgmt/portmaster. A brute-force rebuild of all installed applications can be accomplished with this command:

# portmaster -af

This will ensure everything will be re-installed correctly. Note that setting the BATCH environment variable to yes will answer yes to any prompts during this process, removing the need for manual intervention during the build process.

door10000 发表于 2014-01-25 20:37

回复 16# 芭比小柒
portmaster -af 已经用过了。大部分已经ok了。但是还是有部分重新编译出错了。apache22和一些samba应用。


ykklle 发表于 2014-01-25 23:09


door10000 发表于 2014-01-26 02:32

终于好了用portmastr -af把ports重新安装。报错的就直接卸载。。

door10000 发表于 2014-01-26 22:29

也没说死机呀。回复 18# ykklle

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查看完整版本: 从freebsd9.1升级到10.0后出现大量ports无法正常工作