luofeiyu_cu 发表于 2014-07-28 10:01


好像python得__doc__,只能导出class或者function或者method里面用'''   '''   ,包裹起来的部分,某个模块开头的注释部分,可否在python console状态下,抓取出来?

# by Nelson Rush
# MIT/X license.
# A simple program to download files in segments.
# - Fixes by David Loaiza for Python 2.5 added.
# - Nelson added fixes to bring the code to 2.7 and add portability between Windows/Linux.
# - The output of segment information has been corrected and cleaned up.
# - In outside cases where the client instances were not being closed, they are now closed.
import sys
import os
import asyncore
import socket
import platform
from string import *
from math import *
from time import *
from mmap import *


jun413947139 发表于 2014-07-31 11:25

本帖最后由 jun413947139 于 2014-07-31 11:25 编辑

1. python 中__doc__是第一个未赋值的字符串(docstring),并不是注释, 所以你用# 开头的注释是不行的
2. __doc__ 支持 python的modules, functions, classes, and methods
3.以你的mget.py为例 :#! /usr/bin/python
by Nelson Rush

MIT/X license.

A simple program to download files in segments.

- Fixes by David Loaiza for Python 2.5 added.
- Nelson added fixes to bring the code to 2.7 and add portability between Windows/Linux.
- The output of segment information has been corrected and cleaned up.
- In outside cases where the client instances were not being closed, they are now closed.

import sys
import os
import asyncore
import socket
import platform
from string import *
from math import *
from time import *
from mmap import *在python shell中执行>>> import mget
>>> mget.__doc__

icymirror 发表于 2014-07-31 13:02

回复 1# luofeiyu_cu
import inspect
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查看完整版本: python的__doc__问题