伟神教你打dota 发表于 2014-12-24 16:30


XSCF> showstatus
    CMU#1 Status:Normal;
*       CPUM#0-CHIP#0 Status:Degraded;
*       CPUM#1-CHIP#0 Status:Degraded;
*       CPUM#2-CHIP#0 Status:Degraded;
*       CPUM#3-CHIP#0 Status:Degraded;
    CMU#2 Status:Normal;
*       CPUM#0-CHIP#0 Status:Degraded;
*       CPUM#1-CHIP#0 Status:Degraded;
*       CPUM#2-CHIP#0 Status:Degraded;
*       CPUM#3-CHIP#0 Status:Degraded;
    CMU#3 Status:Normal;
*       CPUM#0-CHIP#0 Status:Degraded;
*       CPUM#1-CHIP#0 Status:Degraded;
*       CPUM#2-CHIP#0 Status:Degraded;
*       CPUM#3-CHIP#0 Status:Degraded;
XSCF> clearfault /CMU#1/CPUM#0
This command must only be used at the request of a product support engineer.
Continue? : y
Permission denied.
Unable to clear status
clearfault: Fault cannot be cleared for this FRU.
FRU will be marked to clear fault on next circuit breaker off and on.
Continue? : y
Fault will be cleared after circuit breaker off and on

119beyond 发表于 2014-12-24 16:50

Fault will be cleared after circuit breaker off and on

119beyond 发表于 2014-12-24 16:50


伟神教你打dota 发表于 2014-12-24 22:07

关闭电源在加电还是现实degraded 关进多出来的这句话是什么意思Permission denied.
Unable to clear status   正常如果能清楚不应该有这句话吧回复 2# 119beyond


119beyond 发表于 2014-12-25 11:07


119beyond 发表于 2014-12-25 11:08


孤苏城外 发表于 2015-01-04 11:04

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