104359176 发表于 2016-01-13 19:33

interface 到底是个什么东西?

这个东西和 Java 的接口似乎不同,既然结构中也能放置函数,为什么要设计 interface 这个东西?

bikong0411 发表于 2016-01-14 09:48


Godbach 发表于 2016-01-15 15:19

回复 1# 104359176

可以理解为 C 语言中的 void


dorodaloo 发表于 2016-01-20 13:08

可以理解为 struct 的 type

1 => int
2 => int

struct1 => interfaceA
struct2 => interfaceA

104359176 发表于 2016-01-26 20:07

回复 4# dorodaloo

    struct 本身就是一种可定义的数据类型,为什么需要 interface.

    哪些地方必须使用 interface, 不能使用 struct

    既然 struct 也能定义方法,为什么还要需要 interface?

dorodaloo 发表于 2016-01-27 14:21

回复 5# 104359176

interface ==> class's typeclass cat

class dog
c: cat// c is cat
d: dog// d's type is dog

c, d have a different type?? cat vs dog?

If we have noah's arc

In static lang's container must be have same type! how to do that?
Give it a interface?

You'll find? cat is animal ==> interfase: Animal
You'll find? dog is animal ==> interfase: Animal

What's cat or dog's type?
OK it is Animal!

We have A train to the Zoo: (limitations: same types?)
OK: dog1, dog2,.... (dog1 is a classA, dog2 is a classA....)
NG: dog1, cat1, dog2,... different type!!

So? You'll find? tiger? Cat? Dog....they all different type?

a class is a type: cat , dog, tiger.....
but an interface A: may be ? cat, dog,...
So? interface is a class's type!!

train = cat, dog, tiger, lion, cat....
That's All

dorodaloo 发表于 2016-01-27 14:29

Zoo = Ani1, Ani2,.... {OK} same type
Zoo = Cat1, Dog1, Tiger1....{Sorry!! different Type!}

YOU'LL know? WHAT iS an Interface!!:mrgreen:

104359176 发表于 2016-01-27 14:44

不太明白。难道 interface 是 struct 更高层次的抽象?

dorodaloo 发表于 2016-01-27 15:08

回复 8# 104359176

    yes, it is. interface ===> class's type

hello_kitty: Cat (type: Cat)
snoopy: Dog (type: Dog)

Boxes = [ hello_kityy, Snoopy ]
Sorry: differnnt type ==> hello_kity, snoopy?

but Boxes = # OK same type all Animal

interface is:

class Cat: Animal

class Dog: Animal
hello_kitty: Animal = "hello kitty"
snoopy: Animal = "snoopy"

BOxes = #ok, SAME TYPE

var has a type => some class
some class => has a type ==> some interface!!

MMMIX 发表于 2016-01-27 15:21

回复 9# dorodaloo

    Go does not have class.
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