shijiang1130 发表于 2016-03-19 15:03

Erlang/OTP 18.3 has been released

Some highlights of the release are:

New statistics info about runnable and active processes & ports.
Call erlang:statistics with total_run_queue_lengths | run_queue_lengths | total_active_tasks | active_tasks.
Time warp improvements: dbg:p/2 and erlang:trace/3 with monotonic_timestamp | strict_monotonic_timestamp.
Introduced a validation callback for heart.
The module overload in sasl has been deprecated.
~90 contributions since 18.2

patagonia2 发表于 2016-03-24 12:09

春暖花开   谢谢 ,
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查看完整版本: Erlang/OTP 18.3 has been released