newsmart 发表于 2006-08-14 09:52



执行metastat -s billig|more后有如下输出:

#metastat -s billig|more
billig/d10: Trans
    State: Okay
    Size: 70251208 blocks
    Master Device: billig/d11
    Logging Device: billig/d14

billig/d11: Mirror
    Submirror 0: billig/d12
      State: Resyncing
    Submirror 1: billig/d13
      State: Okay
    Resync in progress: 0 % done
    Pass: 1
    Read option: roundrobin (default)
    Write option: parallel (default)
    Size: 70251208 blocks

billig/d12: Submirror of billig/d11
    State: Resyncing
    Size: 70251208 blocks
    Stripe 0: (interlace: 32 blocks)
      Device            Start BlockDbase State      Hot Spare
      /dev/did/dsk/d2s0          0   No    Okay
      /dev/did/dsk/d3s0          0   No    Okay

billig/d13: Submirror of billig/d11
    State: Okay
    Size: 70251208 blocks
    Stripe 0: (interlace: 32 blocks)
      Device            Start BlockDbase State      Hot Spare
      /dev/did/dsk/d4s0          0   No    Okay
      /dev/did/dsk/d5s0          0   No    Okay

billig/d14: Logging device for billig/d10
    State: Okay
    Size: 353142 blocks

billig/d14: Mirror
    Submirror 0: billig/d15
      State: Resyncing
    Submirror 1: billig/d16
      State: Okay
    Resync in progress: 41 % done
    Pass: 1
    Read option: roundrobin (default)
    Write option: parallel (default)
    Size: 353400 blocks

billig/d15: Submirror of billig/d14
    State: Resyncing
    Size: 353400 blocks
    Stripe 0: (interlace: 32 blocks)
      Device            Start BlockDbase State      Hot Spare
      /dev/did/dsk/d2s6          0   No    Okay
      /dev/did/dsk/d3s6          0   No    Okay

billig/d16: Submirror of billig/d14
    State: Okay
    Size: 353400 blocks
    Stripe 0: (interlace: 32 blocks)
      Device            Start BlockDbase State      Hot Spare
      /dev/did/dsk/d4s6          0   No    Okay
      /dev/did/dsk/d5s6          0   No    Okay

billig/d100: Mirror
    Submirror 0: billig/d101
      State: Resyncing
    Submirror 1: billig/d102
      State: Okay
    Resync in progress: 33 % done
    Pass: 1
    Read option: roundrobin (default)
    Write option: parallel (default)
    Size: 80104 blocks

billig/d101: Submirror of billig/d100
    State: Resyncing
    Size: 80104 blocks
    Stripe 0: (interlace: 32 blocks)
      Device            Start BlockDbase State      Hot Spare
      /dev/did/dsk/d2s4          0   No    Okay
      /dev/did/dsk/d3s4          0   No    Okay

billig/d102: Submirror of billig/d100
    State: Okay
    Size: 80104 blocks
    Stripe 0: (interlace: 32 blocks)
      Device            Start BlockDbase State      Hot Spare
      /dev/did/dsk/d4s4          0   No    Okay
      /dev/did/dsk/d5s4          0   No    Okay

另外什么是master 和 logging啊?

phage 发表于 2006-08-14 15:59

#metastat -s billig -p 可看出来

压海棠319 发表于 2014-11-03 11:02


东方蜘蛛 发表于 2014-11-03 14:00

本帖最后由 东方蜘蛛 于 2014-11-03 14:29 编辑

回复 1# newsmart
Trans meta devices enables ufs logging . There is one logging device and a master device and all file system changes are written into logging device and posted on to master device . This greatly reduces the fsck time for very large file systems as fsck has to check only the logging device which is usually of 64 M. maximum size.Logging device preferably should be mirrored and located on a different drive and controller than the master device .
Ufs logging can not be done for root partition.

东方蜘蛛 发表于 2014-11-03 14:03

Trans Metadevice for a File System That Can Be Unmounted • /home2
1. Setup metadevice
# umount /home2
# metainit d63 -t c0t2d0s2 c2t2d0s1
d63: Trans is setup
Logging becomes effective for the file system when it is remounted
2. Change vfstab entry & reboot
/dev/md/dsk/d2 /dev/md/rdsk/d2 /home2 ufs 2 yes -
/dev/md/dsk/d63 /dev/md/rdsk/d63 /home2 ufs 2 yes -
# mount /home2
Next reboot displays the following message for logging device
# reboot
/dev/md/rdsk/d63: is logging

东方蜘蛛 发表于 2014-11-03 14:07

Using Soft Partitions for MetaTrans (UFS Logging) Devices
MetaTrans devices (UFS logging) can be built on top of soft partitions. Soft partitions can be used for the master device, the logging device, or both. In the following example, soft partitions are used for both the master and the logging device:
   # metainit d1 -p c1t0d0s0 500m
   d1: Soft Partition is setup
   # metainit d2 -p c2t0d0s0 50m
   d2: Soft Partition is setup
   # metainit d10 -t d1 d2
   d1: Trans is setup

Once done, the resulting metastat output of the metatrans device will look like this:
   # metastat d10
   d10: Trans
       State: Okay         
       Size: 1024000 blocks
       Master Device: d1
       Logging Device: d2

   d1: Soft Partition
       Component: c1t1d3s0
       State: Okay
       Size: 1024000 blocks
         Extent            Start Block            Block count
                0                        1                  1024000

   d2: Logging device for d10
       State: Okay         
       Size: 102142 blocks

   d2: Soft Partition
       Component: c1t1d1s0
       State: Okay
       Size: 102400 blocks
         Extent            Start Block            Block count
                0                        1                   102400

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