
标题: svm疑难问题 [打印本页]

作者: mtykillyou    时间: 2008-11-11 15:46
标题: svm疑难问题

root@ph2#metaset -s ora_data

Multi-owner Set name = ora_data, Set number = 1, Master = ph1

Host                Owner          Member
  ph1                              Yes
  ph2                              Yes

Driv Dbase

d7   Yes  

d8   Yes  
root@ph2 # metadb -i
        flags           first blk       block count
     a m  pc luo        16              8192            /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s6
     a    pc luo        8208            8192            /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s6
     a    pc luo        16400           8192            /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s6

root@ph2 # metadb -s ora_data -i
metadb: ph2: ora_data: not owner of metadevice database

root@ph2 # metaset -s ora_data -j
metaset: ph2: ora_data: there are no existing databases

root@ph2 # metaset -s ora_data -t
metaset: -t option not allowed on multi-owner diskset
usage:  metaset -s setname -a [-A enable | disable] -h hostname ...
        metaset -s setname -a [-M] -h hostname ...
        metaset -s setname -a [-M] [-l length] [-L] drivename ...
        metaset -s setname -d [-M] -h hostname ...
        metaset -s setname -d [-M] -f -h all-hostnames
        metaset -s setname -d [-M] [-f] drivename ...
        metaset -s setname -d [-M] [-f] hostname ...
        metaset -s setname -A enable | disable
        metaset -s setname -t [-f]
        metaset -s setname -r
        metaset [-s setname] -j [-M]
        metaset [-s setname] -w [-M]
        metaset -s setname -P [-M]
        metaset -s setname -b [-M]
        metaset -s setname -o [-M] [-h hostname]
        metaset [-s setname]

                hostname = contents of /etc/nodename
                drivename = cNtNdN no slice
                [-M] for multi-owner set is optional except on set creation


root@ph1 # metaset -s ora_data

Multi-owner Set name = ora_data, Set number = 1, Master = ph1

Host                Owner          Member
  ph1                              Yes
  ph2                              Yes

Driv Dbase

d7   Yes

d8   Yes

root@ph1 # metadb -s ora_data -i
metadb: ph1: ora_data: not owner of metadevice database

root@ph1 # metaset -s ora_data -j
metaset: ph1: ora_data: there are no existing databases

root@ph1 # metaset -s ora_data -t
metaset: -t option not allowed on multi-owner diskset

root@ph1 # metaset -s ora_data -d -M -f -h ph1
metaset: ph1: ora_data: must be owner of the set for this command

root@ph2 # metaimport -rv
metaimport: no unconfigured sets detected

root@ph1 # metadb -s ora_data -a c2t12d0s2
metadb: ph1: ora_data: must be owner of the set for this command
作者: xidian2002    时间: 2008-11-12 11:15
作者: Lainhearter    时间: 2008-11-13 14:08
You will have to use the metadb command to remove and add
replicas if you repair a disk containing one (remove broken ones and
add back onto repaired disk).

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