
标题: VIM设置 [打印本页]

作者: jiweihu    时间: 2008-06-26 15:10
标题: VIM设置

# This script is used to set vi ide enviment
# by Asland
# Print the message of this sript
echo "================================================================"
echo " There are the steps this script will do: "
echo " 1. Create dirctory for VIM in user directioy. "
echo " 2. Create personal colors scheme. "
echo " 3. Setup Taglist."
echo " 4. Setup Cscope."
echo " 5. Setup Visio mark."
echo "================================================================"
echo "This script will cover your VIM rc in user directory!!!"
echo "Pls press any key to continue or press \"N\" to exit:"
read name
if [ $name = "N" ]; then
    echo "Bye!"
# if the vimrc is in the user's home dir
# Create personal vim dir
mkdir -pv ~/.vim
mkdir -pv ~/.vim/{plugin,doc,syntax,colors}
# Create personal color
cp -v ./evening.vim ~/.vim/colors/my_color.vim
# copy from the system's vimrc
cp -vf /etc/vimrc ~/.vim_org
sed -e '1i\set syntax=on\nset cscopequickfix=s-,c-,d-,i-,t-,e-\nset
nocompatible\ncolorscheme my_color\nset tabstop=4\nset
shiftwidth=4\nset backspace=2\nset wrap\nset number\nset sm' ~/.vim_org
> ~/.vimrc
# Setup Taglist, The web link:
# Usage: type ":Tlist" in command line in VIM
unzip -d ~/.vim/ ./
# Setup cscope The web link:
# Tips for using cscope:
# 1. Entry the root directory of code,Command "cscope -Rbq" will create,
#    cscope.out, cscope.po.out.
# 2. Vim code file, and entry command ":cs add /home/wooin/vim71/cscope.out code_root_dir".
# 3. Find define of a function, type ":cs find g function_name".
# 4. See where use this function, type ":cs find c function_name".
# 5. Command ":cw"
tar xvf ./cscope-15.5.tar.gz
sudo make install
# Setup Visual Mark, the web link:
# Usage: type ":mm" in vim command line.
cp ./visualmark.vim ~/.vim/plugin/
echo "The setup is success!"
echo "Type ":Tlist" in vim command line will open function list."
echo "If you firstly go to a new project, pls run ./ in the project's root dirctory"
echo "Then in VIM command line, try \":cs add \\project's root dir\\cscope.out \\project's root dir\""


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