
标题: Mplayer使用举例 [打印本页]

作者: 零二年的夏天    时间: 2008-02-01 22:01
标题: Mplayer使用举例

                >man tcsh | col -b > tcsh.txt
>info tcsh -o tcsh.txt -s
       Quickstart DVD playing:
       mplayer dvd://1
       Play in Japanese with English subtitles:
       mplayer dvd://1 -alang ja -slang en
       Play only chapters 5, 6, 7:
       mplayer dvd://1 -chapter 5-7
       Play only titles 5, 6, 7:
       mplayer dvd://5-7
       Play a multiangle DVD:
       mplayer dvd://1 -dvdangle 2
       Play from a different DVD device:
       mplayer dvd://1 -dvd-device /dev/dvd2
       Play DVD video from a directory with VOB files:
       mplayer dvd://1 -dvd-device /path/to/directory/
       Copy a DVD title to hard disk, saving to file title1.vob :
       mplayer dvd://1 -dumpstream -dumpfile title1.vob
       Stream from HTTP:
       mplayer http://mplayer.hq/example.avi
       Stream using RTSP:
       mplayer rtsp://
       Convert subtitles to MPsub format:
       mplayer dummy.avi -sub source.sub -dumpmpsub
       Convert subtitles to MPsub format without watching the movie:
       mplayer /dev/zero -rawvideo pal:fps=xx -demuxer rawvideo -vc null -vo null -noframedrop -benchmark -sub source.sub -dumpmpsub
       input from standard V4L:
       mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l:width=640:height=480:outfmt=i420 -vc rawi420 -vo xv
       Playback on Zoran cards (old style, deprecated):
       mplayer -vo zr -vf scale=352:288 file.avi
Playback on Zoran cards (new style):
       mplayer -vo zr2 -vf scale=352:288,zrmjpeg file.avi
       Play a 6-channel AAC file with only two speakers:
       mplayer -rawaudio format=0xff -demuxer rawaudio -af pan=2:.32:.32:.39:.06:.06:.39:.17:-.17:-.17:.17:.33:.33 adts_he-aac160_51.aac
       You might want to play a bit with the pan values (e.g multiply  with  a
       value) to increase volume or avoid clipping.
       checkerboard invert with geq filter:
       mplayer -vf geq='128+(p(XY)-128)*(0.5-gt(mod(X/SW128)64))*(0.5-gt(mod(Y/SH128)64))*4'
       Encode DVD title #2, only selected chapters:
       mencoder dvd://2 -chapter 10-15 -o title2.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4
       Encode DVD title #2, resizing to 640x480:
       mencoder dvd://2 -vf scale=640:480 -o title2.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4
       Encode DVD title #2, resizing to 512xHHH (keep aspect ratio):
       mencoder dvd://2 -vf scale -zoom -xy 512 -o title2.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4
       The same, but with bitrate set to 1800kbit and optimized macroblocks:
       mencoder dvd://2 -o title2.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:mbd=1:vbitrate=1800
       Play a 6-channel AAC file with only two speakers:
       mplayer -rawaudio format=0xff -demuxer rawaudio -af pan=2:.32:.32:.39:.06:.06:.39:.17:-.17:-.17:.17:.33:.33 adts_he-aac160_51.aac
       You might want to play a bit with the pan values (e.g multiply  with  a
       value) to increase volume or avoid clipping.
       checkerboard invert with geq filter:
       mplayer -vf geq='128+(p(XY)-128)*(0.5-gt(mod(X/SW128)64))*(0.5-gt(mod(Y/SH128)64))*4'
       Encode DVD title #2, only selected chapters:
       mencoder dvd://2 -chapter 10-15 -o title2.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4
       Encode DVD title #2, resizing to 640x480:
       mencoder dvd://2 -vf scale=640:480 -o title2.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4
       Encode DVD title #2, resizing to 512xHHH (keep aspect ratio):
       mencoder dvd://2 -vf scale -zoom -xy 512 -o title2.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4
       The same, but with bitrate set to 1800kbit and optimized macroblocks:
       mencoder dvd://2 -o title2.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:mbd=1:vbitrate=1800
       The same, but with MJPEG compression:
       mencoder dvd://2 -o title2.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mjpeg:mbd=1:vbitrate=1800
       Encode all *.jpg files in the current directory:
       mencoder "mf://*.jpg" -mf fps=25 -o output.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4
       Encode from a tuner (specify a format with -vf format):
       mencoder -tv driver=v4l:width=640:height=480 tv:// -o tv.avi -ovc raw
       Encode from a pipe:
       rar p test-SVCD.rar | mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=800 -ofps 24 -


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