
标题: 急救,E3500系统不能启动! [打印本页]

作者: sunsjy    时间: 2006-01-18 13:08
标题: 急救,E3500系统不能启动!
E3500系统引导时报错:\r\n\r\nUnexpected Transport Error\r\nPort#0 received soc-status=14\r\nReceived online loop status during read. ERROR:Timeout waiting for response\r\n\r\n一直不断报错,不能引导.\r\n是磁盘的问题,还是光纤模块的问题,各位有何高见?
作者: Snowict    时间: 2006-01-18 14:11
1。 poweroff E3500; check your fcal cable; \r\n2. power on it. when it display the banner Stop+A  stop to OK\r\n3. OK probe-fcal-all\r\n4. if display messges.\r\n    a--disk failure.  b-- GBIC/or Cable.  c-- IB .
作者: babywang    时间: 2006-01-18 14:24
启动的时候出现下列信息,大家看看是不是没找到设备?\r\nprobing /sbus@3,0 at d,0 SUNW,socal sf ssd sf ssd\r\nprobing /sbus@3,0 at 3,0 SUNW,home SUNW fas sd st\r\nprobing /sbus@3,0 at 2,0 Nothing there\r\nprobing /sbus@3,0 at 0,0 Nothing there\r\nprobing UPA Slave Slot at 2,0 SUNW ,ffb
作者: babywang    时间: 2006-01-18 14:31
Snowict,我用probe-fcal-all命令看了一下,显示正常,能正常显示我的4块磁盘\r\n/sbus@3,0/SUNW,socal@d,10000/sf@1,0\r\nPort#0 received soc-status=14 loop 1 is OFFlINE\r\nPort#0 received soc-status=14 loop 1 is OFFlINE\r\n/sbus@3,0 /SUNW,socal@d,10000/sf@0,0\r\nPort#0 received soc-status=14 loop 1 is ONLINE\r\nWWN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Loopid 1\r\nWWN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Loopid e2\r\nLUN 0 Disk SEAGATE STxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx\r\nWWN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Loopid e4\r\nLUN 0 Disk SEAGATE STxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx\r\nWWN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Loopid e8\r\nLUN 0 Disk SEAGATE STxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx\r\nWWN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Loopid ef\r\nLUN 0 Disk SEAGATE STxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx\r\n看来磁盘连接应该正常...还有什么可能啊?
作者: babywang    时间: 2006-01-18 14:40
devalias的结果是:\r\ndisk /sbus@3,0/SUNW,fas@3,8800000/sd@0,0\r\n....\r\ncdrom /sbus@3,0/SUNW,fas@3,8800000/sd@6,0 :f\r\nscsi /sbus@3,0/SUNW,fas@3,8800000\r\ndisk0 /sbus@3,0/SUNW,fas@3,8800000/sd@0,0\r\ndisk1 /sbus@3,0/SUNW,fas@3,8800000/sd@0,1\r\n......\r\n大家参考看看这些连接对么?
作者: babywang    时间: 2006-01-18 15:27

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