
标题: 一个菜问题 [打印本页]

作者: killer911    时间: 2006-04-22 08:17
标题: 一个菜问题
The following output is from the "ll" command:

drwx------ 2 you other 96 Mar 2 19:51 data

From this information "data" is a:

A. deleted file waiting for trash collection.

B. file, currently in use by two users.

C. private directory.

D. public directory.

C. The "d" at the front of the line denotes a file of type "directory".
答案是D,但我感觉为什么说是 private directory呢,是不是没有这个概念,因为这个目录只有属主才有所有权限,别的用户没有任何权限

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