
标题: 在IE里面访问 openwebmail ,出现的却是 原代码!! [打印本页]

作者: pinpin    时间: 2006-10-06 14:21
标题: 在IE里面访问 openwebmail ,出现的却是 原代码!!
openwebmial 在   /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail

比如申请的余名是,  IP是59.35.97.51

httpd.conf 是这样的
    DocumentRoot /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail

在ie 里面输入 却出现了原代码

#!/usr/bin/suidperl -T
#                                                               #
# Open WebMail - Provides a web interface to user mailboxes     #
#                                                               #
# Copyright (C) 2001-2005                                       #
# The Open Webmail Team                                         #
#                                                               #
# Copyright (C) 2000                                            #
# Ernie Miller  (original GPL project: Neomail)                 #
#                                                               #
# This program is distributed under GNU General Public License  #
#                                                               #

# - entry point of openwebmail
use vars qw($SCRIPT_DIR);
if ( $0 =~ m!^(\S*)/[\w\d\-\.]+\.pl! ) { local $1; $SCRIPT_DIR=$1 }
if ($SCRIPT_DIR eq '' && open(F, '/etc/openwebmail_path.conf')) {
   $_=<F>; close(F); if ( $_=~/^(\S*)/) { local $1; $SCRIPT_DIR=$1 }
if ($SCRIPT_DIR eq '') { print "Content-type: text/html\n\nSCRIPT_DIR not set in /etc/openwebmail_path.conf !\n"; exit 0; }
push (@INC, $SCRIPT_DIR);

foreach (qw(ENV BASH_ENV CDPATH IFS TERM)) {delete $ENV{$_}}; $ENV{PATH}='/bin:/usr/bin'; # secure ENV
umask(0002); # make sure the openwebmail group can write

use strict;
use Fcntl qw(EFAULT :flock);
use CGI qw(-private_tempfiles :standard);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser carpout);
use Socket;        # for gethostbyaddr() in ip2hostname
use MIME::Base64;

require "modules/";
require "modules/";
require "modules/";
require "modules/";
require "modules/";
require "modules/";
require "modules/";
require "auth/";
require "quota/";
require "shares/";
require "shares/";
require "shares/";
require "shares/";

# optional module

# common globals
use vars qw(%config %config_raw);
use vars qw($thissession);
use vars qw($default_logindomain $loginname $logindomain $loginuser);
use vars qw($domain $user $userrealname $uuid $ugid $homedir);
use vars qw(%prefs %style);

# extern vars
use vars qw(@openwebmailrcitem);        # defined in
use vars qw(%lang_text %lang_err);        # defined in lang/xy

use vars qw(%action_redirect @actions);
%action_redirect= (
   listmessages_afterlogin => [1, 'enable_webmail',     '',    ['folder']],
   calmonth                => [2, 'enable_calendar',    '',     ['year', 'month']],
   showdir                 => [3, 'enable_webdisk',     '', ['currentdir']],
   addrlistview            => [4, 'enable_addressbook', '',   ['abookfolder']],
   callist                 => [5, 'enable_calendar',    '',     ['year']],
   calyear                 => [6, 'enable_calendar',    '',     ['year']],
   calday                  => [7, 'enable_calendar',    '',     ['year', 'month', 'day']],
   readmessage             => [8, 'enable_webmail',     '',    ['folder', 'message_id']],
   composemessage          => [9, 'enable_webmail',     '',    ['to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject']],
@actions = sort { ${$action_redirect{$a}}[0] <=> ${$action_redirect{$b}}[0] } keys (%action_redirect);

########## MAIN ##################################################

load_owconf(\%config_raw, "$SCRIPT_DIR/etc/defaults/openwebmail.conf";
read_owconf(\%config, \%config_raw, "$SCRIPT_DIR/etc/openwebmail.conf" if (-f "$SCRIPT_DIR/etc/openwebmail.conf";
loadlang($config{'default_language'});        # so %lang... can be used in error msg

# check & create mapping table for solar/lunar, b2g, g2b convertion
foreach my $table ('b2g', 'g2b', 'lunar') {
   if ( $config{$table.'_map'} && !ow::dbm::exist("$config{'ow_mapsdir'}/$table") {
      print qq|Content-type: text/html\n\n|.
            qq|Please execute '$config{'ow_cgidir'}/ --init' on server first!|;

if ($config{'logfile'}) {
   my $mailgid=getgrnam('mail');
   my ($fmode, $fuid, $fgid) = (stat($config{'logfile'}))[2,4,5];
   if ( !($fmode & 0100000) ) {
      open (LOGFILE,">>$config{'logfile'}" or
         openwebmailerror(__FILE__, __LINE__, "$lang_err{'couldnt_create'} $lang_text{'file'} $config{'logfile'}! ($!)";
   chmod(0660, $config{'logfile'}) if (($fmode&0660)!=0660);
   chown($>, $mailgid, $config{'logfile'}) if ($fuid!=$>||$fgid!=$mailgid);

if ( $config{'forced_ssl_login'} &&        # check the forced use of SSL
     !($ENV{'HTTPS'}=~/on/i||$ENV{'SERVER_PORT'}==443) ) {
   my ($start_url, $refresh, $js);
   $start_url="https://$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}$start_url" if ($start_url!~s!^https?://!https://!i);
   if ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}!~/MSIE.+Mac/) {
      # reload page with Refresh header only if not MSIE on Mac
      $refresh=qq|<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;URL=$start_url">|;
   } else {
      # reload page with java script if MSIE on Mac
      $js=qq|<script language="JavaScript">\n<!--\n|.
          qq|setTimeout("window.location.href='$start_url'", 5000);\n|.
   print qq|Content-type: text/html\n\n|.
         qq|Service is available over SSL only,<br>\n|.
         qq|you will be redirected to <a href="$start_url">SSL login</a> page in 5 seconds...\n|.

writelog("debug - request login begin - " .__FILE__.":". __LINE__) if ($config{'debug_request'});
if ( param('loginname') && param('password') ) {
} elsif (matchlist_fromhead('allowed_autologinip', ow::tool::clientip()) &&
         cookie('ow-autologin')) {
} else {
   loginmenu();        # display login page if no login
writelog("debug - request login end - " .__FILE__.":". __LINE__) if ($config{'debug_request'});

########## END MAIN ##############################################

########## LOGINMENU #############################################
sub loginmenu {
   # clear vars that may have values from autologin
   ($domain, $user, $userrealname, $uuid, $ugid, $homedir)=('', '', '', '', '', '');

   $logindomain=~s/:\d+$//;        # remove port number
   $logindomain=$config{'domainname_equiv'}{'map'}{$logindomain} if (defined $config{'domainname_equiv'}{'map'}{$logindomain});

   matchlist_exact('allowed_serverdomain', $logindomain) or
      openwebmailerror(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Service is not available for domain  '$logindomain'";

   read_owconf(\%config, \%config_raw, "$config{'ow_sitesconfdir'}/$logindomain" if ( -f "$config{'ow_sitesconfdir'}/$logindomain";
   if ( $>!=0 &&        # setuid is required if spool is located in system dir
        !$config{'use_homedirspools'} &&
       ($config{'mailspooldir'} eq "/var/mail" ||
        $config{'mailspooldir'} eq "/var/spool/mail") {
      print "Content-type: text/html\n\n'$0' must setuid to root"; openwebmail_exit(0);

   %prefs = readprefs();
   %style = readstyle($prefs{'style'});
   charset($prefs{'charset'}) if ($CGI::VERSION>=2.5;        # setup charset of CGI module

   my ($html, $temphtml);
   $html = applystyle(readtemplate("login.template"));

   $temphtml = startform(-action=>"$config{'ow_cgiurl'}/",

   # remember params for redirection after login
   my $action=param('action');
   $action='listmessages_afterlogin' if ($action eq 'listmessages');
   if (defined $action_redirect{$action}) {
      $temphtml .= ow::tool::hiddens(action=>$action);
      foreach my $name (@{${$action_redirect{$action}}[3]}) {
         $temphtml .= ow::tool::hiddens($name=>param($name));
   $html =~ s/\@\@\@STARTFORM\@\@\@/$temphtml/;

   # we set onChange to '' if browser is gecko based (eg:mozilla, firefox) to avoid the following warning in js console
   # "ermission denied to get property XULElement.selectedIndex' when calling method: [nsIAutoCompletePopup::selectedIndex]"

   $temphtml = textfield(-name=>'loginname',
   $html =~ s/\@\@\@LOGINNAMEFIELD\@\@\@/$temphtml/;

   $temphtml = password_field(-name=>'password',
   $html =~ s/\@\@\@PASSWORDFIELD\@\@\@/$temphtml/;

   if ($ENV{'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'}=~/\bgzip\b/ &&
       ow::tool::has_module('Compress/') ) {
      my $use_httpcompress=cookie("ow-httpcompress");
      if ($use_httpcompress eq '') {        # use http compress by default
      $temphtml = checkbox(-name=>'httpcompress',
   } else {
      $temphtml = checkbox(-name=>'httpcompress',
   $html =~ s/\@\@\@HTTPCOMPRESSIONCHECKBOX\@\@\@/$temphtml/;

   if (matchlist_fromhead('allowed_autologinip', ow::tool::clientip()) ) {
      templateblock_enable($html, 'AUTOLOGIN');
      $temphtml = checkbox(-name=>'autologin',
      $html =~ s/\@\@\@AUTOLOGINCHECKBOX\@\@\@/$temphtml/;
   } else {
      $temphtml = '';
      templateblock_disable($html, 'AUTOLOGIN', $temphtml);

   if ($config{'enable_domainselectmenu'}) {
      templateblock_enable($html, 'DOMAIN');
      $temphtml = popup_menu(-name=>'logindomain',
                             -values=>[@{$config{'domainselectmenu_list'}}] );
      $html =~ s/\@\@\@DOMAINMENU\@\@\@/$temphtml/;
   } else {
      $temphtml = ow::tool::hiddens(logindomain=>$logindomain||'');
      templateblock_disable($html, 'DOMAIN', $temphtml);

   $temphtml = submit(-name =>"loginbutton",
                      -value=>$lang_text{'login'} );
   $html =~ s/\@\@\@LOGINBUTTON\@\@\@/$temphtml/;
   $temphtml = reset("$lang_text{'clear'}");
   $html =~ s/\@\@\@CLEARBUTTON\@\@\@/$temphtml/;
请问是怎么回事,如何配置 ,多谢了

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