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debian网站上下载的安装包如何安装他的所有依赖包? [复制链接]

1 [报告]
发表于 2009-07-16 21:40 |显示全部楼层
How do I use Apt ?
Apt originally was developed by the Debian project to work together with DEB packages. Since there are not many functional differences between RPM and DEB packages, Conectiva ported Apt to use RPM.

To install Apt, download the latest package for your distribution from: http://dag.wieers.com/packages/apt/. The configuration of Apt is inside the rpmforge-release package.

If you've done that, the rest is simple. Update the local repository meta-data by doing:

apt-get update
You can upgrade your system with the latest packages with:

apt-get upgrade
And finally you can add new software by typing:

apt-get install <name of package>
Or search for software in the local repository meta-data:

apt-cache search <keyword> apt-cache show <name of package>
From time to time you may want to save some diskspace:

apt-get clean
Remember to update your local repository often before upgrading or installing software, so that you can enjoy the latest and greatest.

Some people rather use a graphical program to select and install packages. Apt has a nifty graphical front-end, called Synaptic. You can install it by doing:

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