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发表于 2005-04-08 08:12 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
仍然是 fedora-devel-list
有关 gtk1 的讨论热火朝天
虽然一直在向这个方向努力, 他们都不敢走出最后一步
xmms 已经被移动到了 extras
gnome-vfs1 被去掉了
只有 gnucash 和 gtk1, glib1 几个库了吧
我赞同将 gtk1 移动到 extras 因为配置中文太困难了. 另外, 将所有中文支持得不好的程序都移到 extras 里面, 包括 xpdf, tk, emacs 等等
I care about the apps.  And that means being biased against anything
which can't display languages other than English (or just Western
European languages.)  Since essentially everything using gtk+ works
poorly with multiple charsets, that's a bias against gtk+.  
Internationalization is *hard* with gtk+.  CJK support and complex rendering
language support requires thinking in all sorts of ways that programmers who
speak only Western European languages don't usually.  gtk2, pango, and
fontconfig make it almost automatic.  So I don't think I'm too crazy here.
John Thacker
很奇怪的事情, 有些程序使用 AM_HAVE_GTK 的测试, 而不是使用 pkg-config, 导致如果更新了
configure.ac/configure.in/Makefile.am, 在重新配置的过程中就必须需要 gtk1,
但是一旦配置完成就只需要 gtk2 来编译了. 这是一位日本人 Tonshi 提到的
有人提到了 Loki setup, 说很多程序用到它. 但是紧接着有人反驳说, 因为内核的关系, Loki 早已不支持 fedora. 那是什么东西? Install Shield 吗?
yum 永远不成熟, 还好 apt 终于放出了 0.5.15cnc7, 看来以后要关注一下 extras 的邮件列表了, 好多有趣的东西, 包括 Lv 推荐的 ipython, pycrust (in wxPythonGTK2)
yum 又引入了新的 xml 解释器, 说 libxml2-python 不像 python, 而只是 c 的包装, 马后炮. 不过昨天看了一下 xpath, 觉得 libxml2 挺好用的. 有了 xpath, 可以精确定位就可以了啊
That was filelists.xml for development -- 36MB of XML, not
primary.xml. There was a 2.5 times speed improvement with cElementTree
code, compared to old yum code, using libxml2 -- around 20 seconds for
libxml2, and around 7-8 seconds for cElementTree on an AMD Athlon
Konstantin Ryabitsev
Zlotniks, INC
>   it's not libxml2. you will see that libxml2 by itself on such a
> box should parse your 36MB of XML in a mere second. Try with xmllint --stream
> for example. The potential for improvements by solving the python string
> import would have been huge if you did want to look at it, but it seems
> obvious you didn't want.
But we're not talking about libxml2 in C, we're talking about using it
in python. I agree with you, we could have worked on the python string
handling and it's interface to libxml2. But time is not free and Icon
nor I had the inclination to work on it. Icon saw elementTree, it proved
to do the same job and do it fairly well. It was low-hanging fruit.
If you or anyone else would like to implement the functions in libxml2
and make the import work just as quickly and the api look just as pretty
and I'll be glad to take a look at the results. But I just don't have
the time to do it. Remember, some of us are volunteers.
有人在建议引入 /etc/rc.modules.d 目录, 存放模块的配置文件, 这样配置程序可以不必重写 /etc/modprobe.conf
要哭了, 本来整理了好多, 大概后来补充的还有这么长, 但是在再次提交时提示我, 编辑器超时...

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