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Suse Linux Enterprise 10 Server 不回应DHCP-NAK的问题,欢迎大家讨论! [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-06-16 16:56 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
      一个无线终端,先是入到的一个子网下面,该子网下的dhcp server分配的ip如(192.168.1.***),24位掩码,此时获取的ip位192.168.1.10。改变终端的地理位置,由于该终端插在了windows 7 操作系统上,该操作系统具有较强的记忆功能,此时继续发送dhcp-request,携带的请求ip仍然是192.168.1.10,在这个新的地理位置上DHCP Server分配的是(192.168.2.***),24位掩码。此时终端一直发送request请求,按照协议的理解是新的dhcp server应该回应NAK消息的。但是,通过在server上抓包看到只有request消息,server不给终端回应NAK消息。   终端获得不了新的ip,所以就一直不能入网做业务。 我们通过在笔记本上执行ipconfig/release,renew规避。


      When a Windows NT DHCP client is moved to another subnet (without issuing the ipconfig/release command before moving), the client will request its previous IP address. Usually this IP address is not valid for usage on the new subnet.

When a DHCP server detects that the client requests an IP address that does not fit for the current subnet, the DHCP server must send a DHCPNAK to the client (according to RFC1541).

Some non-rfc compliant DHCP servers do not send this DHCPNAK. Because of this, the client does not attempt to lease a new IP address on the new subnet and tries to use its old IP address (see the frame information later in this article).

This problem has been experienced only when using a third-party DHCP server. The Microsoft Windows NT DHCP server does not experience this behavior.

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