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Anatomizing Linux scheduler: CFS 3 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-08-28 08:38 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
As mentioned above
       delta_time = now - prev_stored_now
       se.wait_runtime = delta_time - delta_exec_time
According to these definitions, CFS scheduler can work smoothly. But there are some other factors to affect the fairness. We should take these factors into account. Then CFS scheduler
    1. tunes se.fair_key:
       se.fair_key = cfs_rq.fair_clock - se.wait_runtime, if se.load_weight == NICE_0_LOAD;
       se.fair_key = cfs_rq.fair_clock - se.wait_runtime * NICE_0_LOAD / se.load_weight,
                         if se.load_weight != NICE_0_LOAD && se.wait_runtime = 0
    2. tunes se.wait_runtime
       a. a task is in run queue, but not run on the cpu
          se.wait_runtime += (now - prev_stored_now) * se.load_weight / NICE_0_LOAD
       b. a task gets added back to the runnable tasks and gets a small credit for the cpu time it missed out on.
          se.wait_runtime += delta * cfs_rq.nr_running
       c. a task wakes-up from sleeping or blockint state
          se.wait_runtime += delta_sleep_fair * se.load_weight / NICE_0_LOAD


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