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NVIDIA 显卡驱动 180.37 放出 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-03-08 00:18 |只看该作者 |正序浏览

NVIDIA 在今天针对 Linux 平台放出了 180.37 显卡驱动。总的来说,这是一个 bug 修订版本,其中主要修正了几个与 OpenGL 相关的问题,同时对 VDPAU 也有所更新。
以下为 NVIDIA 180.37 的 Release Highlights:
* Fixed a problem that caused signals to be blocked in some applications.
* Fixed a problem that could cause Xid errors and display corruption in certain cases when OpenGL is used to render to redirected windows, for example when Java2D is used with the -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true option.
* glGetStringi(GL_EXTENSIONS, i) no longer returns NULL in OpenGL 3.0 preview contexts.
* Fixed a problem that caused the screen to flicker momentarily when OpenGL applications exit unexpectedly on GeForce 6 and 7 series GPUs.
* Fixed an X server crash when an X client attempts to draw trapezoids and RenderAccel is disabled.
* Improved recovery from certain types of errors.
* VDPAU updates:
o Fixed corruption on some H.264 clips.
o Update documentation.
o Fixed VC-1 decoding on 64-bit platforms.
o Improved handling of invalid H.264 streams.
o Fixed a problem that caused surfaces to be marked as visible too early when the blit presentation queue is in use.
该显卡驱动支持 Linux x86 及 x86_64 架构,可从 NVIDIA 的
FTP 站点



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