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[Mail] 关于Helios Qmail [复制链接]

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发表于 2004-03-01 11:27 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Helios qmail is an advanced and feature-rich distribution of qmail based on qmail-sql project. It has been designed to make builiding reliable, efficient and top-integrated qmail systems easy. It is being developed to provide an e-mail system for the Helios project.

qmail is a secure, reliable, efficient, simple message transfer agent (MTA) written by D. J. Bernstein. For more information on qmail see qmail.org site.

qmail-sql project by Michael Devogelaere aims to add MySQL, PostgreSQL and ODBC database functionality to qmail for:

passwd lookups
homedir, uid and gid lookups
quota management
virtual domain management (locals, rcpthosts and virtualdomains files are no longer necessary)
simple dotqmails: contents of .qmail files are read from database
For more information on qmail-sql see it`s home page.

Some of Helios qmail features:

MySQL support
PostgreSQL support (experimental)
SMTP service:
ESMTP SIZE support
anti-spam protections, eg.:
RBL checks
wildcards support in badhelo, badmailfrom and badrcptto files
envelope sender domain DNS checks
HELO/EHLO host DNS checks
queue filtering (optional)
antispoof - prevents from spoofing
extensive logging
QUSEE (Qmail Universal SMTP Extensions Engine) support
POP3 service:
PLAIN and APOP authentication
IMAP service - BINC IMAP
integrated and centralized configuration in /var/qmail/control
PHP5 libraries providing nice API for shell scripts and/or web applications
single-uid delivery
maildrop MDA
antivirus scanners (supports dropping/marking/forwarding messages)
antispam scanners (supports dropping/marking/forwarding messages)
new mail notification (through SMS, Gadu-gadu, etc.) (still in development)
duplicate mail elimination (to prevent mail loops/mailbombs)
forwards support (after scanning the message)
many PHP5 scripts to help managing the system (add/delete/modify/show users/domains/aliases/etc settings)
Maildir++ support
many popular patches included (see README file in Helios qmail package for details)
Antispoof module, scanners, forwards and new mail notifications are configurable on per-user and per-domain basis (supports wildcards as well).

Helios qmail is licensed on GNU GPL, but because it comes with qmail source code bundled, which is not licensed on GPL, you cannot make binary packages of it. See file called COPYING in Helios qmail package for details.

Helios qmail is being developed by Pawel Foremski.

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