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[proxy] 如何让squid服务器deny的时候不跳出输入用户名密码的提示框啊?[已解决] [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2007-07-31 14:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
当访问allow的网站输入一次就可以了,可是如果访问deny的网站每输入一个都会跳出三次输入用户名密码的提示框才会显示Cache Access Denied的页面,或者点取消显示Cache Access Denied的页面。
请问有没有办法不跳出,直接显示Cache Access Denied的页面呢?

[ 本帖最后由 jealt 于 2007-8-6 14:20 编辑 ]

2 [报告]
发表于 2007-08-02 18:07 |只看该作者

3 [报告]
发表于 2007-08-03 09:13 |只看该作者

4 [报告]
发表于 2007-08-06 13:11 |只看该作者

http_access allow shr hrweb
#http_access deny shr


5 [报告]
发表于 2007-08-06 13:16 |只看该作者
其实偶也是个新手,可以把你的完整的 acl 部分帖出来么 ?

6 [报告]
发表于 2007-08-06 13:30 |只看该作者

#Band site and ip
acl band dstdom_regex -i "/etc/squid/acl/band"
http_access deny band

#deny !gzip
acl forestlin src
acl store14 src
acl store15 src
acl store16 src
acl store17 src
acl ho src
acl store31 src
acl store42 src
acl store51 src
acl store66 src
acl store70 src
acl store71 src
acl store79 src
#http_access deny store14
#http_access allow ho
#http_access deny all
http_access allow forestlin
http_access deny !ho !store31 !store42 !store51 !store66 !store70 !store71 !store79

acl connlimit maxconn 20
acl accept src
http_access deny !accept connlimit

#store hr acl
acl shr proxy_auth hr014 hr015 hr016 hr017 hr031 hr042 hr051 hr066 hr070 hr071 hr079
acl hrweb dstdomain "/etc/squid/acl/hrweb"

#File access control
acl faclt url_regex ¨Ci \.exe$\.swf$\.zip$\.rar$\.avi$\.mpg$\.wma$\.mp3$\.wav$
acl facl rep_mime_type -i ^application/x-shockwave-flash$
#acl exefiles rep_mime_type -i ^application/octet-stream$
acl facl rep_mime_type -i ^application/x-zip-compressed$
acl facl rep_mime_type -i ^application/x-rar-compressed$
acl facl rep_mime_type -i ^application/x-ms-wma$
#acl facl rep_mime_type -i ^audio/x-ms-wma$
#acl facl rep_mime_type -i ^audio/basic$
acl facl rep_mime_type -i ^audio/
acl facl rep_mime_type -i ^video/

#MSN control
acl MSNmime rep_mime_type -i ^application/x-msn-messenger$

#MAX ip control
acl resip max_user_ip -s 4

#Band sites
acl bands dstdom_regex mp3
acl bands dstdom_regex games
acl bands dstdom_regex game
acl bands dstdom_regex mail
acl bands dstdom_regex mailx
acl bands dstdom_regex sex
acl im dstdom_regex tencent
acl bands dstdom_regex popo
acl im dstdom_regex qq
acl ip dst
acl qq dst "/etc/squid/acl/qqweb"
#acl bands dst "/etc/squid/acl/msnweb"
acl ip dst "/etc/squid/acl/popoweb"
acl bands dstdom_regex kele8.com
acl ip dst
acl port443 port 443

#Allow sites
acl allows dstdom_regex 51job.com
acl allows dstdom_regex jobcn.com
acl allows dstdom_regex jobsdb.com
acl allows dstdom_regex buildhr.com
acl allows dstdom_regex hxrc.com
acl allows dstdom_regex strc.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex shunde.net.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex chinahr.com
acl allows dstdom_regex gzlm.net
acl allows dstdom_regex chaoshiren.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex emkt.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex i18.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex linkshop.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex retailing.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex chinarp.net
acl allows dstdom_regex gzyb.net
acl allows dstdom_regex btophr.com
acl allows dstdom_regex erclub.org
acl allows dstdom_regex pysi.net
acl allows dstdom_regex clssn.com
acl allows dstdom_regex yhds.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex gzjd
acl allows dstdom_regex localtax
acl allows dstdom_regex fisa.com.cn
acl allowi dst
acl allowi dst
#acl allowi dst
#acl allowi dst
#acl allowi dst
acl allows dstdom_regex haozhai.com
acl allows dstdom_regex mofile.com
acl allows dstdom_regex gdcrj.com
acl allows dstdom_regex ctrip.com
acl allows dstdom_regex asiaec.com
acl allows dstdom_regex gznet.com
acl allows dstdom_regex 86fang.com
acl allows dstdom_regex elease.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex gznet.com
acl allows dstdom_regex today123.com
acl allows dstdom_regex gzcars.net
acl allows dstdom_regex pcauto.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex ek-chor-cn
acl allows dstdom_regex hkfdo
acl allows dstdom_regex cmbchina
acl allows dstdom_regex ccbgz
acl allows dstdom_regex nh12366.com
acl allows dstdom_regex csacc.org
acl allows dstdom_regex kj999.org
acl allows dstdom_regex gdb.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex bankcomm
acl allows dstdom_regex bocgd
acl allows dstdom_regex icbcgd
acl allows dstdom_regex bank-of-china
acl allows dstdom_regex ccb.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex gz.citicib.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex ecitic.com
acl allows dstdom_regex bankcomm.com
acl allows dstdom_regex icbc.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex kjzgks.com
acl allows dstdom_regex spdb.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex cebbank.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex citicib.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex cmbc.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex hxb.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex chinaunionpay.com
acl allows dstdom_regex gnete.com
acl allows dstdom_regex creditcard.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex zgjrw.com
acl allows dstdom_regex esv.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex nh12366.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex gdb.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex 163.com
acl allows dstdom_regex esv.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex google.com
acl allows dstdom_regex baidu.com
acl allows dstdom_regex chinacourt.org
acl allows dstdom_regex fawang.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex civillaw.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex law-lib.com
acl allows dstdom_regex chinalawinfo.com
acl allows dstdom_regex gzlawyer.org
acl allowi dst
acl allowi dst
acl allowi dst
acl allowi dst
acl allowi dst
acl allowi dst
acl allowi dst
acl allows dstdom_regex etax.163.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex ccitc.net.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex ks-info.net
acl allows dstdom_regex fsfire.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex gzstats
acl allows dstdom_regex sohu.com
acl allows dstdom_regex gz-tobacco
acl allows dstdom_regex ideacider.com
acl allows dstdom_regex gznet.com
acl allows dstdom_regex sina.com
acl allows dstdom_regex yahoo.com
acl allows dstdom_regex tqyb.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex google.com
acl allows dstdom_regex baidu.com
acl allows dstdom_regex 163.com
acl allows dstdom_regex tom.com
acl allows dstdom_regex sohu.com
acl allows dstdom_regex gz33.com
acl allows dstdom_regex 21cn.com
acl allows dstdom_regex ycwb.com
acl allows dstdom_regex gzdaily.dayoo.com
acl allows dstdom_regex nanfangdaily.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex ycwb.com
acl allows dstdom_regex gd-hk.com
acl allows dstdom_regex pyb.com.cn
acl allowd dstdomain .gov.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex gd.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex pyup.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex go2map.com
acl allows dstdom_regex zuoche.com
acl allows dstdom_regex people.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex 668map.com
acl allows dstdom_regex map.haozhai.com
acl allows dstdom_regex chinametro.net
acl allows dstdom_regex gzfocus.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex xinhuanet.com
acl allows dstdom_regex nanfangdaily.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex southcn.com
acl allows dstdom_regex gzmtr.com
acl allows dstdom_regex house.enorth.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex gdchain.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex yipu.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex richland.net.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex mallchina.net
acl allows dstdom_regex news.sdfdc.com
acl allows dstdom_regex gzmall.com
acl allows dstdom_regex myshops.ful.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex gz.focus.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex gdmall.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex sunsin.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex aedas.com
acl allows dstdom_regex skyscrapercity.com
acl allows dstdom_regex kingproperty.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex louking.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex ycwb.com
acl allows dstdom_regex cnhan.com
acl allows dstdom_regex jxfw.com
acl allows dstdom_regex house.nen.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex 51sobu.com
acl allows dstdom_regex finance.eastday.com
acl allows dstdom_regex southcn.com
acl allows dstdom_regex bbs.people.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex cnworld.net
acl allows dstdom_regex midland.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex news365.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex dycj.ynet.com
acl allows dstdom_regex longhoo.net
acl allows dstdom_regex agents.org.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex ben.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex aaart.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex p5w.net
acl allows dstdom_regex zgfdcb.com
acl allows dstdom_regex villachina.com
acl allows dstdom_regex 086.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex zytop.com
acl allows dstdom_regex livingchina.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex unn.com.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex heungkong.com
acl allows dstdom_regex ycwb.com
acl allows dstdom_regex guangzhou.8684.cn
acl allows dstdom_regex gzfcw

acl test proxy_auth jealt
http_access allow test

#User Group acls
#Allow all sites users
acl aa proxy_auth sunnyh gavinp jasonp bird tiger betty tongtang

#allow all sites with MSN and QQ
acl awmq proxy_auth sandychen liuqin
acl awmq proxy_auth sunee chaiporn jasontan mark_xie selinazhang fin-banking
acl awmq proxy_auth pactrick
acl awmq proxy_auth shirley_wang

#allow all sites with MSN permission
acl awm proxy_auth gzdchr xiaohongz userhr
acl awm proxy_auth liwenhai gztraining ben
acl awm proxy_auth jmsdm frank
acl awm proxy_auth young chaosfin
acl awm proxy_auth richardf
acl awm proxy_auth pinesyc malcolm groupsales selinawang kennyl dingxz
acl awm proxy_auth wangxin waterdu evagu crist jane1024 eric_liang
acl awm proxy_auth henryd
acl awm proxy_auth alexanderx davidfu johnliang
#MDSE HardLine
acl awm proxy_auth bearw larryso mandy jackeych albert jessica nellylee frank_yang
#MDSE housebrand
acl awm proxy_auth vivianl
acl awm proxy_auth apperal
acl awm proxy_auth roy_xie
acl awm proxy_auth sontaya Robert_hsu
acl awm proxy_auth annazhang marco
#I.M. & S.P.T
acl awm proxy_auth jeffw
acl awm proxy_auth jinzhiliang kellyhuang bruceyu
acl awm proxy_auth yixiny
acl awm proxy_auth simonj Amych

#allow all sites with exception
acl awe proxy_auth annay
#acl isdit proxy_auth sanshuihr
acl awe proxy_auth tobacco nancy belindawu snowyang Chaoxia_Duan ellen_tang kitty_tan
acl awe proxy_auth vickyw xinyanh simonli luoli vincelin
acl awe proxy_auth angelaw hohr
acl awe proxy_auth jasonzhang
acl awe proxy_auth forestlin

#allow site only
acl aso proxy_auth djkai
acl aso proxy_auth samwang
acl isda proxy_auth floral candyt sandychen

#Access control list

#store hr access
http_access allow shr hrweb
http_access deny shr

#Allow all group
http_access allow aa

http_access deny bands
http_reply_access deny facl
http_access deny faclt

#Allow with msn qq
http_access allow awmq

http_access deny im port443
http_access deny ip port443
http_access deny qq

#Allow all sites with MSN permission
http_access allow awm

http_reply_access deny MSNmime

#allow all sites with exception
http_access allow awe

#allow site only
http_access allow aso allowi
http_access allow aso allows
http_access allow aso allowd

http_access deny all

7 [报告]
发表于 2007-09-18 18:14 |只看该作者
原帖由 jealt 于 2007-8-6 13:30 发表

#Band site and ip
acl band dstdom_regex -i "/etc/squid/acl/band"
http_access deny band

#deny !gzip
acl forestlin src
acl  ...

请教一个问题你是不是用ldap ??


[ 本帖最后由 anakin81 于 2007-9-18 18:31 编辑 ]

8 [报告]
发表于 2007-09-25 08:34 |只看该作者


9 [报告]
发表于 2011-04-26 14:58 |只看该作者
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