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[ldap] 错在哪里?急啊,在线等答案!! [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-06-12 09:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
做Directory Server 与 Win2003 AD 同步时,出现如下错误,是不是我的Directory Server 没有定义好与Win2003 AD 相对应得类?还是其他问题?怎么解决?

[11/Jun/2008:14:05:57.515 +0800] INFO    13     "System Component Information:    SysMgr_100 is the system manager (CORE);  console is the Product Console User Interface;"   
[11/Jun/2008:14:56:45.670 +0800] INFO    13     "System Component Information:    SysMgr_100 is the system manager (CORE);  console is the Product Console User Interface;  CNN100 is the connector that manages [dc=super,dc=com (ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389)];  CNN101 is the connector that manages [super.com (ldaps://spider.super.com:636)];"   
[11/Jun/2008:15:13:12.993 +0800] INFO    13     "System Component Information:    SysMgr_100 is the system manager (CORE);  console is the Product Console User Interface;  CNN100 is the connector that manages [dc=super,dc=com (ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389)];  CNN101 is the connector that manages [super.com (ldap://spider.super.com:389)];"   
[11/Jun/2008:15:17:18.446 +0800] INFO    13     "System Component Information:    SysMgr_100 is the system manager (CORE);  console is the Product Console User Interface;  CNN100 is the connector that manages [dc=super,dc=com (ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389)];  CNN101 is the connector that manages [super.com (ldap://spider.super.com:389)];"   
[11/Jun/2008:15:17:22.615 +0800] INFO    13     "System Component Information:    SysMgr_100 is the system manager (CORE);  console is the Product Console User Interface;  CNN100 is the connector that manages [dc=super,dc=com (ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389)];  CNN101 is the connector that manages [super.com (ldap://spider.super.com:389)];"   
[11/Jun/2008:15:23:39.049 +0800] WARNING 21  SysMgr_100 Solaris10-Hawk.super.com  "Failed to connect to the configuration directory because "failed to connect to server solaris10-hawk.super.com:389".  Will retry shortly."   
[11/Jun/2008:15:24:12.393 +0800] INFO    13     "System Component Information:    SysMgr_100 is the system manager (CORE);  console is the Product Console User Interface;  CNN100 is the connector that manages [dc=super,dc=com (ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389)];  CNN101 is the connector that manages [super.com (ldap://spider.super.com:389)];"   
[11/Jun/2008:15:25:06.198 +0800] WARNING 28  SysMgr_100 Solaris10-Hawk.super.com  "Failed to connect to the configuration directory because "failed to connect to server solaris10-hawk.super.com:389".  Will retry shortly."   
[11/Jun/2008:15:25:38.821 +0800] INFO    13     "System Component Information:    SysMgr_100 is the system manager (CORE);  console is the Product Console User Interface;  CNN100 is the connector that manages [dc=super,dc=com (ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389)];  CNN101 is the connector that manages [super.com (ldap://spider.super.com:389)];"   
[11/Jun/2008:15:27:48.341 +0800] WARNING 35  SysMgr_100 Solaris10-Hawk.super.com  "Failed to connect to the configuration directory because "failed to connect to server solaris10-hawk.super.com:389".  Will retry shortly."   
[11/Jun/2008:15:28:21.514 +0800] INFO    13     "System Component Information:    SysMgr_100 is the system manager (CORE);  console is the Product Console User Interface;  CNN100 is the connector that manages [dc=super,dc=com (ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389)];  CNN101 is the connector that manages [super.com (ldap://spider.super.com:389)];"   
[11/Jun/2008:15:49:01.628 +0800] WARNING 47  CNN100 Solaris10-Hawk.super.com  "Cannot create user 'cn=Guest,dc=super,dc=com' at ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389, ldap error code = 65." (Action ID=CNN101-11A767C44E6-1, SN=  
[11/Jun/2008:15:49:01.631 +0800] WARNING 49  CNN100 Solaris10-Hawk.super.com  "Cannot create user 'cn=SPIDER,dc=super,dc=com' at ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389, ldap error code = 65." (Action ID=CNN101-11A767C44E6-3, SN=  
[11/Jun/2008:15:49:01.744 +0800] WARNING 48  CNN100 Solaris10-Hawk.super.com  "Cannot create user 'cn=SUPPORT_388945a0,dc=super,dc=com' at ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389, ldap error code = 65." (Action ID=CNN101-11A767C44E6-2, SN=  
[11/Jun/2008:15:49:01.768 +0800] WARNING 51  CNN100 Solaris10-Hawk.super.com  "Cannot create user 'cn=Administrator,dc=super,dc=com' at ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389, ldap error code = 65." (Action ID=CNN101-11A767C44E6-4, SN=  
[11/Jun/2008:15:49:02.152 +0800] WARNING 48  CNN100 Solaris10-Hawk.super.com  "Cannot create user 'cn=fuck,dc=super,dc=com' at ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389, ldap error code = 65." (Action ID=CNN101-11A767C44E6-6, SN=  
[11/Jun/2008:15:49:02.169 +0800] WARNING 49  CNN100 Solaris10-Hawk.super.com  "Cannot create user 'cn=krbtgt,dc=super,dc=com' at ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389, ldap error code = 65." (Action ID=CNN101-11A767C44E6-5, SN=  
[11/Jun/2008:15:49:02.370 +0800] WARNING 47  CNN100 Solaris10-Hawk.super.com  "Cannot create user 'cn=fuckyou,dc=super,dc=com' at ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389, ldap error code = 65." (Action ID=CNN101-11A767C44E6-7, SN=  

[11/Jun/2008:15:49:04.002 +0800] INFO    13     "System Component Information:    SysMgr_100 is the system manager (CORE);  console is the Product Console User Interface;  CNN100 is the connector that manages [dc=super,dc=com (ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389)];  CNN101 is the connector that manages [super.com (ldap://spider.super.com:389)];"   
[11/Jun/2008:16:33:23.006 +0800] WARNING 63  CNN100 Solaris10-Hawk.super.com  "Key cn=shit,dc=super,dc=com is unexpectedly locked." (Action ID=CNN101-11A767C44E6-12, SN=5)  
[11/Jun/2008:16:33:23.289 +0800] WARNING 63  CNN100 Solaris10-Hawk.super.com  "Cannot create user 'cn=shit,dc=super,dc=com' at ldap://solaris10-hawk.super.com:389, ldap error code = 65." (Action ID=CNN101-11A767C44E6-12, SN=9)  
[11/Jun/2008:16:33:23.953 +0800] WARNING 60  CNN100 Solaris10-Hawk.super.com  "Cannot modify the user entry because no matching user was found, action=Type: MODIFY SUL: Solaris10Hawk {Data Attrs: [REPL is_user_disabled: false]} {Other Attrs: objectclass: top, person, organizationalPerson, user cn: shit dn: CN=shit,DC=super,DC=com whenchanged: 20080611083320.0Z usnchanged: 16519 dspswuserlink: st0El267eEmNttc3B5tRaw== useraccountcontrol: 512 pwdlastset: 128576467999062500 uid: shit}." (Action ID=CNN101-11A767C44E6-13, SN=5)
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