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HACMP同步问题,在线急等! [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2007-06-10 14:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
我在做完第一台服务器的HACMP配置后,需要同步两台服务器的时候,出现如下错误,请求大家帮助!\r\n\r\n             COMMAND STATUS\r\n\r\nCommand: failed        stdout: yes           stderr: no\r\n\r\nBefore command completion, additional instructions may appear below.\r\n\r\n[TOP]\r\n\r\nVerification to be performed on the following:\r\n        Cluster Topology\r\n        Cluster Resources\r\n\r\nRetrieving data from available cluster nodes.  This could take a few minutes....\r\nVerifying Cluster Topology...\r\n\r\n\r\nVerifying Cluster Resources...\r\n\r\nWARNING: Volume group major numbers conflict for VG: vgsap on\r\nnodes wxsap01 and wxsapap1.\r\n\r\nA corrective action is available for the condition reported below:\r\n\r\nERROR: The HACMP timestamp file for shared volume group: vgsap is inconsistent\r\nwith the time stamp in the VGDA for the following nodes: wxsapap1 wxsap01\r\n\r\nTo correct the above condition, run verification & synchronization with\r\n\"Automatically correct errors found during verification?\" set to either \'Yes\'\r\nor \'Interactive\'.  The cluster must be down for the corrective action to run.\r\n\r\nThe corrective action option can only be accessed via the SMIT fastpath \"cl_sync\r\n\"\r\non an inactive cluster. Alternatively use:\r\n>smit hacmp\r\n        Extended Configuration\r\n\r\n                Extended Verification and Synchronization\r\nto access cluster verification and synchronization with corrective actions.\r\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\r\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n\r\nVerification exiting with error count: 1\r\n\r\ncldare: Failures detected during verification.  Please correct\r\nthe errors and retry this command.\r\n\r\nVerification has completed normally.\r\n\r\n[BOTTOM]\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n我的HACMP配置如下:\r\n                                 COMMAND STATUS\r\n\r\nCommand: OK            stdout: yes           stderr: no\r\n\r\nBefore command completion, additional instructions may appear below.\r\n\r\nCluster Name: ha\r\nCluster Connection Authentication Mode: Standard\r\nCluster Message Authentication Mode: None\r\nCluster Message Encryption: None\r\nUse Persistent Labels for Communication: No\r\nThere are 2 node(s) and 1 network(s) defined\r\n\r\nNODE wxsap01:\r\n        Network net_ether_01\r\n                wxsap01_svc\r\n                wxsap01_ns2\r\n                wxsap01_ns1\r\n\r\nNODE wxsapap1:\r\n        Network net_ether_01\r\n                wxsap01_svc\r\n                wxsapap1_ns2\r\n                wxsapap1_ns1\r\n\r\nResource Group saprg\r\n        Startup Policy   Online On Home Node Only\r\n        Fallover Policy  Fallover To Next Priority Node In The List\r\n        Fallback Policy  Fallback To Higher Priority Node In The List\r\n        Participating Nodes      wxsapap1 wxsap01\r\n        Service IP Label                 wxsap01_svc\r\n\r\n大家帮我看看是什么问题,在线急等!!!

2 [报告]
发表于 2007-06-10 14:51 |只看该作者
WARNING: Volume group major numbers conflict for VG: vgsap on\r\nnodes wxsap01 and wxsapap1\r\n\r\nERROR: The HACMP timestamp file for shared volume group: vgsap is inconsistent\r\nwith the time stamp in the VGDA for the following nodes: wxsapap1 wxsap01\r\n\r\n\r\nTo correct the above condition, run verification & synchronization with\r\n\"Automatically correct errors found during verification?\" set to either \'Yes\'\r\nor \'Interactive\'.  The cluster must be down for the corrective action to run.

3 [报告]
发表于 2007-06-11 09:56 |只看该作者
VG的major number和timestamp都不是致命错误,你在同步HA的时候将自动纠错选项开成yes然后再同步,这两个错误都是可以纠正的,对HA没有任何影响。
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