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VIA Rhine II 的网卡在solaris x86下 安装驱动遇到的问题 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-03-12 19:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
终于搞定了,现在我正在solaris 10 里会帖子呢?感觉真好,最后发现主要是
% ln -s Makefile.${KARCH}_${COMPILER} Makefile

% ln -s ${KARCH} obj

ln -s Makefile.i386_gcc Makefile

ln -s i386 obj

因为对solaris 了解不深,所以翻译了也不知道什么意思。现在明白了,

首先,我从sun的主页上下了一个DVD版本的1/06很好居然能生成多启动菜单,很好了,不过装了发现没网卡,于是到http://homepage2.nifty.com/mrym3/taiyodo/eng/index.htm 上下了驱动,读了一下readme.txt

可是安装第一步就报错,在进入网卡文件的目录,执行# /usr/ccs/bin/make install 时告诉我出错,我也不知道是犯了什么错,那位达人告诉一下这句话的意思啊,似乎目录下没install 文件啊   执行./adddrv.sh 是也错,不知是怎么了,在,按照readme里的

     % cd /.../rh-x.x.x
        % rm obj Makefile
        % ln -s Makefile.${KARCH}_${COMPILER} Makefile
        % ln -s ${KARCH} obj


3. Prepare for installation

(1) Install your PCI card and boot Solaris.

(2) Copy source and binary files.
        # gunzip -cd rh-x.x.x.tar.gz | tar xf -

(3) Add hostname for the NIC card into the /etc/hosts file

(4) Make links to correct binary directory and Makefile according to your
configuration.  i386 and gcc are default.

        % cd /.../rh-x.x.x
        % rm obj Makefile
        % ln -s Makefile.${KARCH}_${COMPILER} Makefile
        % ln -s ${KARCH} obj

  where ${KARCH} is the result of `isainfo -n`, and ${COMPILER} is
"gcc" or "suncc" which you want to use to make the driver.

5. Installation
    After you ensure that the rh driver is fully functional, install it.

(1) install the rh driver into kernel directory
        # cd /.../rh-x.x.x
        # /usr/ccs/bin/make install

       If you did not test rh driver yet, execute the following commands:
            # ./adddrv.sh
            # devfsadm -i rh ( for Solaris7 use drvconfig and reboot with -r option )

(2) Configure the network interface. Create and/or modify the following files:

    If you want to use rh with dhcp, you also need to create a empty file
    below to get an assigned IP address automatically from a dhcp server
    at boot time.

(3) Reboot the system.
        # init 6

下面是readme的内容1. Introduction

This is the VIA Rhine family NIC driver for Solaris.  Rh will work with
VT86C100 (Rhine I), DL10030 (Rhine I), VT6102 (Rhine II), VT6105 (Rhine
III), built-in Rhine II ethernet mac in VT8235 and VT8237 south bridges.
It is distributed under the BSD license.

2. Specification of the driver

File name of the driver:
        /kernel/drv/sparcv9/rh (for sparc 64bit kernel)

Special file name:
        /dev/rhN (where N is a unit number, typcally 0 for first card)
        For example
                % ifconfig rh0

Tested OS version
Solaris8 00/10 x86, Solaris9 12/02 x86
Solaris8 sparc

Tested chips and cards
  VT6102(Rhine II rev 43) -- Planex communications Inc.(Japan) FNW-9702-T3
  VT6102(Rhine II rev 47)
  DL10030(Rhine I rev 6) --  Corega Inc.(Japan) FEtherII PCI TX
  VT6105(Rhine III rev 85) -- Corega Inc.(Japan) FEther PCI-TXA

This driver is ready for VT6105M (Rhine-III management adaptor) but not

3. Prepare for installation

(1) Install your PCI card and boot Solaris.

(2) Copy source and binary files.
        # gunzip -cd rh-x.x.x.tar.gz | tar xf -

(3) Add hostname for the NIC card into the /etc/hosts file

(4) Make links to correct binary directory and Makefile according to your
configuration.  i386 and gcc are default.

        % cd /.../rh-x.x.x
        % rm obj Makefile
        % ln -s Makefile.${KARCH}_${COMPILER} Makefile
        % ln -s ${KARCH} obj

  where ${KARCH} is the result of `isainfo -n`, and ${COMPILER} is
"gcc" or "suncc" which you want to use to make the driver.

(5) Making binaries (only for sparc platform)
Rh driver is ready for 64bit and 32bit solaris8 10/00 sparc or
later. (But currently it is unstable on sparc platforms.)
This distribution does not include sparc binaries.  To make the binaries,
you need Sun C compiler or gcc version 3, and do the following operations.

        % /usr/ccs/bin/make

(6) Making binaries only for OpenSolaris users.
Rh driver likely work with GLD v3 in OpenSolaris, known as Nemo.
You can enjoy the new functions by recompiling rh source code.

        % rm Makefile.config
        % ln -s Makefile.config_gld3 Makefile
        % /usr/ccs/bin/make

4. Testing

        # cd /.../rh-x.x.x
        # /usr/ccs/bin/make install
        # ./adddrv.sh
        # /usr/ccs/bin/make uninstall (don`t do this for Solaris7)
        # modload obj/rh
        # devfsadm -i rh ( for solaris7, use drvconfig and reboot with -r option )
        # ifconfig rhN plumb ( where N is unit number, typcally 0 for first card)
        # ifconfig -a        ( you will see an entry for rh0, ensure ethernet address is correct)
        # ifconfig rhN HOSTNAME
        # ifconfig rhN      ( ensure IP address is correct)
        # ifconfig rhN up   ( and then you can test with ping, telnet, ftp ...)

5. Installation
    After you ensure that the rh driver is fully functional, install it.

(1) install the rh driver into kernel directory
        # cd /.../rh-x.x.x
        # /usr/ccs/bin/make install

       If you did not test rh driver yet, execute the following commands:
            # ./adddrv.sh
            # devfsadm -i rh ( for Solaris7 use drvconfig and reboot with -r option )

(2) Configure the network interface. Create and/or modify the following files:

    If you want to use rh with dhcp, you also need to create a empty file
    below to get an assigned IP address automatically from a dhcp server
    at boot time.

(3) Reboot the system.
        # init 6

6. Troubleshooting

Q. Following message is printed in the /var/adm/messages file
    NOTE: rhN: link up but auto-negotiation failed.

A. This massage appears for Rhine I chips when the link partner does not
   have auto negotiation capability.
   Please disable auto negotiation capability for your NIC card by specifying
   the correct media mode in /kernel/drv/rh.conf with the following syntax:

   rhN-duplex=["full"|"half"] rhN-speed=[100|10]; # where N is a unit number

  For example
        rh0-duplex="full" rh0-speed=100;   # full-duplex 100Mbps for rh0
        rh0-duplex="half" rh0-speed=10;    # half-duplex 10Mbps for rh0

Q. The driver cannot be unloaded because the device is busy, and the following
   message appears in /var/adm/messages file:
    NOTICE: rhN: rh_detach: buffer is busy

A. Wait for a little while until some modules in the kernel release receive
   buffers which were allocated by the rh driver.

Q. The system does not boot after the driver is installed.
A. Uninstall the NIC card and reboot solaris. Then, unregister the driver:
     # rem_drv rh

   Or boot solaris with -a option and use /etc/system.norh instead of
   default [etc/system]. This inhibits loading the driver.

   /etc/system.norh is automatically generated when executing 'make install'
   or 'make test'

Q. Solaris boots, but the network interface does not work.
A. Is the network interface running?

   Execute 'ifconfig -a'.  If you see an entry for rhN, the driver is loaded
   and working correctly.
   Please check the configuration of the network interface.

   Is an ethernet cable connected properly?

   Please check if the network interface is receiving packets.
        % snoop -P -d rhN

If Solaris panics while testing, please send me the following information:
  (1) /var/adm/messages

  (2) Output of prtconf -pv

  (3) Output of prtconf -vD

  (4) Output of adb
  Solaris core dump consists of unix.N and vmcore.N which are created in
   /var/crash/YOUR-HOST-NAME/ .

  Execute 'adb -k unix.N vmcore.N' and type the following subcommands.
   $c   (stack trace back will be printed)
   $<msgbuf   (last messages are printed)
   ^D         (To quit adb, type control-D)

[ 本帖最后由 wangyun522 于 2006-3-22 08:11 编辑 ]

2 [报告]
发表于 2006-03-13 10:23 |只看该作者
% ln -s Makefile.${KARCH}_${COMPILER} Makefile
% ln -s ${KARCH} obj
${KARCH}是`isainfo -n`的执行结果,而${CPMPILER}是gcc或Suncc。

3 [报告]
发表于 2006-03-13 14:21 |只看该作者
老大啊,我也会翻译,可是执行/make install 时出错是什么问题啊?

4 [报告]
发表于 2006-03-13 14:48 |只看该作者

% ln -s Makefile.${KARCH}_${COMPILER} Makefile
% ln -s ${KARCH} obj

ln -s Makefile.i386_gcc Makefile
ln -s i386 obj

5 [报告]
发表于 2006-03-13 15:50 |只看该作者

6 [报告]
发表于 2006-03-13 21:56 |只看该作者

Driver Rhine II.part1.rar

88 KB, 下载次数: 2257

RhineII 网卡的驱动

Driver Rhine II.part2.rar

64.94 KB, 下载次数: 704


7 [报告]
发表于 2006-04-22 07:07 |只看该作者
原帖由 duanlinux 于 2006-3-13 21:56 发表


8 [报告]
发表于 2006-04-22 07:09 |只看该作者

9 [报告]
发表于 2006-04-22 07:12 |只看该作者
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