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Python3000 要抛弃与之前的兼容性... 晕。。。。 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2007-06-28 19:04 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

  1. Compatibility and Transition
  2. Compatibility

  3. Python 3.0 will break backwards compatibility. Totally. We're not even aiming for a specific common subset. (Of course there will be a common subset, probably quite large, but we're not aiming to make it convenient or even possible to write significant programs in this subset. It is merely the set of features that happen to be unchanged from 2.6 to 3.0.)

  4. Python 2.6, on the other hand, will maintain full backwards compatibility with Python 2.5 (and previous versions to the extent possible), but it will also support forward compatibility, in the following ways:
  5. Python 2.6 will support a "Py3k warnings mode" which will warn dynamically (i.e. at runtime) about features that will stop working in Python 3.0, e.g. assuming that range() returns a list.
  6. Python 2.6 will contain backported versions of many Py3k features, either enabled through __future__ statements or simply by allowing old and new syntax to be used side-by-side (if the new syntax would be a syntax error in 2.5).
  7. Complementary to the forward compatibility features in 2.6, there will be a separate source code conversion tool. This tool can do a context-free source-to-source translation. As a (very simply) example, it can translate apply(f, args) into f(*args). However, the tool cannot do data flow analysis or type inferencing, so it simply assumes that apply in this example refers to the old built-in function.
  8. Transitional Development

  9. The recommended development model for a project that needs to support Python 2.6 and 3.0 simultaneously is as follows:
  10. Start with excellent unit tests, ideally close to full coverage.
  11. Port the project to Python 2.6.
  12. Turn on the Py3k warnings mode.
  13. Test and edit until no warnings remain.
  14. Use the 2to3 tool to convert this source code to 3.0 syntax. Do not manually edit the output!
  15. Test the converted source code under 3.0.
  16. If problems are found, make corrections to the 2.6 version of the source code and go back to step 3.
  17. When it's time to release, release separate 2.6 and 3.0 tarballs (or whatever archive form you use for releases).

  18. The conversion tool produces high-quality source code, that in many cases is indistinguishable from manually converted code. Still, it is strongly recommended not to start editing the 3.0 source code until you are ready to reduce 2.6 support to pure maintenance (i.e. the moment when you would normally move the 2.6 code to a maintenance branch anyway).

  19. Step (1) is expected to take the usual amount of effort of porting any project to a new Python version. We're trying to make the transition from 2.5 to 2.6 as smooth as possible.

  20. If the conversion tool and the forward compatibility features in Python 2.6 work out as expected, steps (2) through (6) should not take much more effort than the typical transition from Python 2.x to 2.(x+1).
  21. Status of Individual Features

  22. There are too many changes to list them all here; instead, I will refer to the PEPs. However, I'd like to highlight a number of features that I find to be significant or expect to be of particular interest or controversial.
  23. Unicode, Codecs and I/O

  24. We're switching to a model known from Java: (immutable) text strings are Unicode, and binary data is represented by a separate mutable "bytes" data type. In addition, the parser will be more Unicode-friendly: the default source encoding will be UTF-8, and non-ASCII letters can be used in identifiers. There is some debate still about normalization, specific alphabets, and whether we can reasonably support right-to-left scripts. However, the standard library will continue to use ASCII only for identifiers, and limit the use of non-ASCII in comments and string literals to unit tests for some of the Unicode features, and author names.

  25. We will use "..." or '...' interchangeably for Unicode literals, and b"..." or b'...' for bytes literals. For example, b'abc' is equivalent to creating a bytes object using the expression bytes([97, 98, 99]).

  26. We are adopting a slightly different approach to codecs: while in Python 2, codecs can accept either Unicode or 8-bits as input and produce either as output, in Py3k, encoding is always a translation from a Unicode (text) string to an array of bytes, and decoding always goes the opposite direction. This means that we had to drop a few codecs that don't fit in this model, for example rot13, base64 and bz2 (those conversions are still supported, just not through the encode/decode API).
  27. New I/O Library

  28. The I/O library is also changing in response to these changes. I wanted to rewrite it anyway, to remove the dependency on the C stdio library. The new distinction between bytes and text strings required a (subtle) change in API, and the two projects were undertaken hand in hand. In the new library, there is a clear distinction between binary streams (opened with a mode like "rb" or "wb") and text streams (opened with a mode not containing "b"). Text streams have a new attribute, the encoding, which can be set explicitly when the stream is opened; if no encoding is specified, a system-specific default is used (which might use guessing when an existing file is being opened).

  29. Read operations on binary streams return bytes arrays, while read operations on text streams return (Unicode) text strings; and similar for write operations. Writing a text string to a binary stream or a bytes array to a text stream will raise an exception.

  30. Otherwise, the API is kept pretty compatible. While there is still a built-in open() function, the full definition of the new I/O library is available from the new io module. This module also contains abstract base classes (see below) for the various stream types, a new implementation of StringIO, and a new, similar class BytesIO, which is like StringIO but implements a binary stream, hence reading and writing bytes arrays.
  31. Printing and Formatting

  32. Two more I/O-related features: the venerable print statement now becomes a print() function, and the quirky % string formatting operator will be replaced with a new format() method on string objects.

  33. Turning print into a function usually makes some eyes roll. However, there are several advantages: it's a lot easier to refactor code using print() functions to use e.g. the logging package instead; and the print syntax was always a bit controversial, with its >>file and unique semantics for a trailing comma. Keyword arguments take over these roles, and all is well.

  34. Similarly, the new format() method avoids some of the pitfalls of the old % operator, especially the surprising behavior of "%s" % x when x is a tuple, and the oft-lamented common mistake of accidentally leaving off the final 's' in %(name)s. The new format strings use {0}, {1}, {2}, ... to reference positional arguments to the format() method, and {a}, {b}, ... to reference keyword arguments. Other features include {a.b.c} for attribute references and even {a[b]} for mapping or sequence access. Field lengths can be specified like this: {a:8}; this notation also supports passing on other formatting options.

  35. The format() method is extensible in a variety of dimensions: by defining a __format__() special method, data types can override how they are formatted, and how the formatting parameters are interpreted; you can also create custom formatting classes, which can be used e.g. to automatically provide local variables as parameters to the formatting operations.
  36. Changes to the Class and Type System

  37. You might have guessed that "classic classes" finally bite the dust. The built-in class object is the default base class for new classes. This makes room for a variety of new features.

  38. Class decorators. These work just like function decorators:
  39. @art_deco
  40. class C:
  41.     ...

  42. Function and method signatures may now be "annotated". The core language assigns no meaning to these annotations (other than making them available for introspection), but some standard library modules may do so; for example, generic functions (see below) can use these. The syntax is easy to read:
  43. def foobar(a: Integer, b: Sequence) -> String:
  44.     ...

  45. New metaclass syntax. Instead of setting a variable __metaclass__ in the body of a class, you must now specify the metaclass using a keyword parameter in the class heading, e.g.:
  46. class C(bases, metaclass=MyMeta):
  47.     ...

  48. Custom class dictionaries. if the metaclass defines a __prepare__() method, it will be called before entering the class body, and whatever it returns will be used instead of a standard dictionary as the namespace in which the class body is executed. This can be used, amongst others, to implement a "struct" type where the order in which elements are defined is significant.

  49. You can specify the bases dynamically, e.g.:
  50. bases = (B1, B2)

  51. class C(*bases):
  52.     ...

  53. Other keyword parameters are also allowed in the class heading; these are passed to the metaclass' __new__ method.

  54. You can override the isinstance() and issubclass() tests, by defining class methods named __instancecheck__() or __subclasscheck__(), respectively. When these are defined, isinstance(x, C) is equivalent to C.__instancecheck__(x), and issubclass(D, C) to C.__subclasscheck__(D).

  55. Voluntary Abstract Base Classes (ABCs). If you want to define a class whose instances behaves like a mapping (for example), you can voluntarily inherit from the class abc.Mapping. On the one hand, this class provides useful mix-in behavior, replacing most of the functionality of the old UserDict and DictMixin classes. On the other hand, systematic use of such ABCs can help large frameworks do the right thing with less guesswork: in Python 2, it's not always easy to tell whether an object is supposed to be a sequence or a mapping when it defines a __getitem__() method. The following standard ABCs are provided: Hashable, Iterable, Iterator, Sized, Container, Callable; Set, MutableSet; Mapping, MutableMapping; Sequence, MutableSequence; Number, Complex, Real, Rational, Integer. The io module also defines a number of ABCs, so for the first time in Python's history we will have a specification for the previously nebulous concept file-like. The power of the ABC framework lies in the ability (borrowed from Zope interfaces) to "register" a concrete class X as "virtually inheriting from" an ABC Y, where X and Y are written by different authors and appear in different packages. (To clarify, when virtual inheritance is used, the mix-in behavior of class Y is not made available to class X; the only effect is that issubclass(X, Y) will return True.)

  56. To support the definition of ABCs which requires that concrete classes actually implement the full interface, the decorator @abc.abstractmethod can be used to declare abstract methods (only in classes whose metaclass is or derives from abc.ABCMeta).

  57. Generic Functions. The inclusion of this feature, described in PEP 3124, is somewhat uncertain, as work on the PEP seems to have slowed down to a standstill. Hopefully the pace will pick up again. It supports function dispatch based on the type of all the arguments, rather than the more conventional dispatch based on the class of the target object (self) only.
  58. Other Significant Changes

  59. Just the highlights.
  60. Exception Reform
  61. String exceptions are gone (of course).
  62. All exceptions must derive from BaseException and preferably from Exception.
  63. We're dropping StandardException.
  64. Exceptions no longer act as sequences. Instead, they have an attribute args which is the sequence of arguments passed to the constructor.
  65. The except E, e: syntax changes to except E as e; this avoids the occasional confusion by except E1, E2:.
  66. The variable named after as in the except clause is forcefully deleted upon exit from the except clause.
  67. sys.exc_info() becomes redundant (or may disappear): instead, e.__class__ is the exception type, and e.__traceback__ is the traceback.
  68. Additional optional attributes __context__ is set to the "previous" exception when an exception occurs in an except or finally clause; __cause__ can be set explicitly when re-raising an exception, using raise E1 from E2.
  69. The old raise syntax variants raise E, e and raise E, e, tb are gone.
  70. Integer Reform
  71. There will be only one built-in integer type, named 'int', whose behavior is that of 'long' in Python 2. The 'L' literal suffix disappears.
  72. 1/2 will return 0.5, not 0. (Use 1//2 for that.)
  73. Octal literal syntax changes to 0o777, to avoid confusing younger developers.
  74. Binary literals: 0b101 == 5, bin(5) == '0b101'.
  75. Iterators or Iterables instead of Lists
  76. dict.keys() and dict.items() return sets (views, really); dict.values() returns an iterable container view. The iter*() variants disappear.
  77. range() returns the kind of object that xrange() used to return; xrange() disappears.
  78. zip(), map(), filter() return iterables (like their counterparts in itertools already do).
  79. Miscellaneous
  80. Ordering comparisons (<, <=, >, >=) will raise TypeError by default instead of returning arbitrary results. The default equality comparisons (==, !=, for classes that don't override __eq__) compare for object identity (is, is not). (The latter is unchanged from 2.x; comparisons between compatible types in general don't change, only the default ordering based on memory address is removed, as it caused irreproducible results.)
  81. The nonlocal statement lets you assign to variables in outer (non-global) scopes.
  82. New super() call: Calling super() without arguments is equivalent to super(<this_class>, <first_arg>). It roots around in the stack frame to get the class from a special cell named __class__ (which you can also use directly), and to get the first argument. __class__ is based on static, textual inclusion of the method; it is filled in after the metaclass created the class object (but before class decorators run). super() works in regular methods as well as in class methods.
  83. Set literals: {1, 2, 3} and even set comprehensions: {x for x in y if P(x)}. Note that the empty set is set(), since {} is an empty dict!
  84. reduce() is gone (moved to functools, really). This doesn't mean I don't like higher-order functions; it simply reflects that almost all code that uses reduce() becomes more readable when rewritten using a plain old for-loop. (Example.)
  85. lambda, however, lives.
  86. The backtick syntax, often hard to read, is gone (use repr()), and so is the <> operator (use !=; it was too flagrant a violation of TOOWTDI).
  87. At the C level, there will be a new, much improved buffer API, which will provide better integration with numpy. (PEP 3118)
  88. Library Reform

  89. I don't want to say too much about the changes to the standard library, as this is a project that will only get under way for real after 3.0a1 is released, and I will not personally be overseeing it (the core language is all I can handle). It is clear already that we're removing a lot of unsupported or simply outdated cruft (e.g. many modules only applicable under SGI IRIX), and we're trying to rename modules with CapWords names like StringIO or UserDict, to conform with the PEP 8 naming standard for module names (which requires a short all-lowercase word).
  90. And Finally

  91. Did I mention that lambda lives? I still get the occasional request to preserve it, so I figured I'd mention it twice. Don't worry, that request has been granted for over a year now.

日期:2015-03-03 16:54:15
2 [报告]
发表于 2007-06-28 20:16 |只看该作者
呵呵,Python 正在经历着 Perl 经历过的那些。
因此不兼容是个好事情。不然就会像 Perl 5 一样。

3 [报告]
发表于 2007-06-29 00:46 |只看该作者

4 [报告]
发表于 2007-06-29 01:58 |只看该作者
不管兼容不兼容,Python Zen是不会变的。

呵呵,Python 正在经历着 Perl 经历过的那些。
因此不兼容是个好事情。不然就会像 Perl 5 一样。



[ 本帖最后由 shhgs 于 2007-6-29 06:59 编辑 ]

5 [报告]
发表于 2007-06-29 06:33 |只看该作者

6 [报告]
发表于 2007-06-29 09:14 |只看该作者
只是变动太大,给人的感觉似乎是从Java 1.4.2一下子到了Java 1.6,将来应该有很多python应用还是用2.x版本。

7 [报告]
发表于 2007-06-29 19:56 |只看该作者

8 [报告]
发表于 2007-06-30 06:22 |只看该作者
原帖由 shhgs 于 2007-6-29 01:58 发表
不管兼容不兼容,Python Zen是不会变的。



语言1 VS. 语言2,是个到处都有的话题,但确实很无聊。

日期:2015-03-03 16:54:15
9 [报告]
发表于 2007-06-30 10:24 |只看该作者
原帖由 shhgs 于 2007-6-29 01:58 发表
不管兼容不兼容,Python Zen是不会变的。



Perl 就算是考虑到了那么多的兼容性,
那也是十分优秀的,因为我们还有 use strict; use v5;

打个比方,Perl 是我奴隶,而你是 Python 它奴隶,

PS:你现在在 ChinaUnix 都已经臭了,真为你悲哀。
在 CSDN 被人给轰走,就又跑到 ChinaUnix 来拉屎,
不知这回你要是离开 ChinaUnix 了,又打算去哪儿混呢?

10 [报告]
发表于 2007-06-30 11:36 |只看该作者
Perl 就算是考虑到了那么多的兼容性,
那也是十分优秀的,因为我们还有 use strict; use v5;




打个比方,Perl 是我奴隶,而你是 Python 它奴隶,




PS:你现在在 ChinaUnix 都已经臭了,真为你悲哀。


在 CSDN 被人给轰走,就又跑到 ChinaUnix 来拉屎,
不知这回你要是离开 ChinaUnix 了,又打算去哪儿混呢?


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