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[GlusterFS] GlusterFS as a Development Platform [复制链接]

日期:2016-06-22 16:22:002015年亚洲杯之中国
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1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2012-06-13 12:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
GlusterFS as a Development Platform

In this session, attendees will be treated to a deep dive on building new filesystems on GlusterFS, including how to extend the platform and writing translators. We'll cover data encryption, user-specified layouts for DHT, Gluster's smarter rebalance algorithm, performance analysis, tuning and more.

Kaleb Keithley, Sr. Principal Software Engineer

Kaleb works at Red Hat as one of the architects on the Red Hat Storage development team. He spent several years at EMC working on Centera and Atmos, he tried his luck at various start-ups including one storage-related start-up, and before all of that he spent several years working for the various incarnations of the X Consortium where he incorporated FOSS operating systems such as Slackware Linux and FreeBSD into the official build matrix. While at NASA's JPL he also produced a couple of terrible hacks which he released as open source, one of which continues to live to this day despite everyone's best efforts to kill it off.

PPT下载: lcjp2012_keithley.pdf (204.17 KB, 下载次数: 41)
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