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JSF in a portlet has never been this easy! [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-11-13 21:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

JSF in a portlet has never been this easy!

                                                   Mon 07 Jul 2008
                      Posted by: wesleyhales under Java
                                            No Comments
We just released JBoss Portlet Bridge Beta3 along with some good supporting documentation and  example projects.
See the documentation for full details
For those that want to jump right in, you can run the following archetype and have it deployed on JBoss AS + Portal in minutes:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jboss.portletbridge.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=1.2-basic -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.0.B3 -DgroupId=org.whatever.project -DartifactId=myprojectname -DarchetypeRepository=http://repository.jboss.org/maven2/ -Dversion=1.0.0.B3
mvn install cargo:start -Premote-portal -Dpc20
mvn cargo:deploy -Premote-portal -Dpc20
The majority of the code written for this release is internal to the
portlet bridge project (refactoring, 301 spec updates and enhancements,
bug fixes...). The next release (Beta 4 - early Sept) will be huge for
the portlet bridge for the following reasons:
  • The EG is currently discussing a lot of significant
    clarifications and improvements. For example, working with the JSF 2.0
    EG to allow certain needs and working on Portlet 2.0 areas of the spec.
  • There is currently a lot of discussion about navigation
    between portlet modes. Once this is nailed down in the spec, we will
    implement it.
  • The Portlet 1.0 version should be getting close to public review.
than the spec related reasons for release schedule, we must work in
unison with the latest Seam and RichFaces relases, make sure that we
squash any bugs concerning the 3 integration points, handle
features/improvements/refactorings, and try to test and give feedback
to the 301 EG. And, of course we can't forget about JBoss Portal 2.7+!
There are soo many cool things going on right now within the JBoss
Portal project, I would like to tell you about all of them but then
this post wouldn't be about JBPB anymore. Just stay tuned to this
With that said, here are a few tips for JSF portlet developers that
concern this release:
  • NamespacingIn situations where you need to
    use the id of an element in your JSF/xhtml markup, you would normally
    see something like 'form1:myBtn' in the rendered markup. But now with
    the bridge namespacing you will see something similar to: jbpns_2fdefault_2fNews_2fStories_2fStoryTemplateWindow12snpbj:_viewRoot:form1:myBtn
    To overcome this, you can use the following expression in your Facelets page to prepend the namespace to your javascript code:
    since this uses the portletResponse, once you try to view this page on
    the servlet application side, you will get an exception. To avoid this,
    you need to check for the type of response in your backing bean and
    assign a new "safe" namespace variable for the UI.
  • Excluding Attributes from the Bridge Request ScopeWhen
    your application uses request attributes on a per request basis and you
    do not want that particular attribute to be managed in the extended
    bridge request scope, you must use the following configuration in your
    faces-config.xml. Below you will see that any attribute namespaced as
    foo.bar or any attribute beginning with foo.baz(wildcard) will be
    excluded from the bridge request scope and only be used per that
    application's request.
For more information on this release or to find out more about the project, visit the
project page

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